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There are 10 nine-letter words beginning with NARC

NARCEINESnarceines n. Plural of narceine.
NARCEINE n. a narcotic component of opium, also NARCEEN, NARCEIN.
NARCISSUSnarcissus n. Any of several bulbous flowering plants, of the genus Narcissus, having white or yellow cup- or trumpet-shaped…
narcissus n. A beautiful young man, like the mythological Greek Narcissus.
Narcissus prop.n. (Greek mythology) A youth who spurned the love of Echo and fell in love with his own reflection in a…
NARCISTICnarcistic adj. Dated form of narcissistic.
NARCISTIC adj. excessively admiring of oneself.
NARCOMATANARCOMA n. a coma caused by the intake of narcotic drugs.
NARCOTICSnarcotics n. Plural of narcotic.
narcotics adj. Alternative form of narcotic; Pertaining to narcotic drugs.
narcotics adj. (Law enforcement, law, politics) Pertaining to illicit drugs, especially psychoactive ones.
NARCOTINEnarcotine n. An alkaloid found in opium.
NARCOTINE n. an alkaloid found in opium, and extracted as a white crystalline substance, tasteless and less poisonous than morphine.
NARCOTISEnarcotise v. Alternative spelling of narcotize.
NARCOTISE v. to subject to the influence of a narcotic, also NARCOTIZE.
NARCOTISMnarcotism n. A narcotic effect; the tendency to cause narcosis.
narcotism n. Addiction to a narcotic drug.
NARCOTISM n. narcosis; the state of being narcotized.
NARCOTISTnarcotist n. One who is addicted to a narcotic drug.
NARCOTIST n. one who takes narcotics.
NARCOTIZEnarcotize v. (Transitive) To use a narcotic in order to make (someone) drowsy or insensible; to anesthetize, to drug.
narcotize v. (Transitive) To dull the senses of (A person, place etc.).
narcotize v. (Transitive) To make into a narcotic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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