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There are 19 words beginning with NIB

NIBnib n. The tip of a pen or tool that touches the surface, transferring ink to paper.
nib n. The bill or beak of a bird; the neb.
nib n. Bits of trapped dust or other foreign material that form imperfections in painted or varnished surfaces.
NIBSnibs n. Plural of nib.
nibs n. (Slang, UK, after possessive pronoun) An important or self-important person.
nibs n. (Slang, UK, dated, 19th century, after possessive pronoun) Self.
NIBBEDnibbed adj. Having a nib or point.
nibbed adj. (Philately) Of a stamp: having the nib of its perforation removed or damaged.
NIB v. to provide with a penpoint.
NIBBLEnibble n. A small, quick bite taken with the front teeth.
nibble n. (In the plural, nibbles) Small snacks such as crisps/potato chips or nuts, often eaten to accompany drinks.
nibble v. (Transitive, intransitive) To eat with small, quick bites.
NIBBLYnibbly adj. (Informal) Prone to, or suitable for, nibbling.
nibbly n. (Informal) Any food suitable for nibbling, snack food.
NIBBLY n. a small food item.
NIBLETniblet n. A kernel of corn, usually from a can.
niblet n. A small piece of something, especially of snack food.
NIBLET n. a small piece of food, in particular a kernel of sweetcorn.
NIBBINGnibbing v. Present participle of nib.
NIB v. to provide with a penpoint.
NIBBLEDnibbled v. Simple past tense and past participle of nibble.
NIBBLE v. to eat with small bites.
NIBBLERnibbler n. Someone who nibbles.
nibbler n. A tool for cutting sheet metal.
nibbler n. A fish of the sea chub subfamily Girellinae.
NIBBLESnibbles n. Plural of nibble.
nibbles n. Snacks or finger food.
nibbles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of nibble.
NIBLETSniblets n. Plural of niblet.
NIBLET n. a small piece of food, in particular a kernel of sweetcorn.
NIBLICKniblick n. (Golf, dated) A metal-headed golf club with a large highly lofted head. Replaced by a sand iron or wedge…
niblick v. (Golf, transitive, intransitive) To strike, or take a shot, with a niblick.
NIBLICK n. an iron-headed golf club with a steeply angled face, for playing out of bunkers.
NIBLIKEniblike adj. Resembling or characteristic of the nib of a pen.
niblike adj. (UK, slang, obsolete) Gentlemanly.
NIBLIKE adj. like a nib.
NIBBLERSnibblers n. Plural of nibbler.
NIBBLER n. one who nibbles.
NIBBLIESnibblies n. Plural of nibbly.
NIBBLY n. a small food item.
NIBBLINGnibbling n. The act or sound of one who nibbles.
nibbling n. A small adjustment or encroachment.
nibbling n. A child of one’s sibling.
NIBLICKSniblicks n. Plural of niblick.
NIBLICK n. an iron-headed golf club with a steeply angled face, for playing out of bunkers.
NIBBLINGSnibblings n. Plural of nibbling.
NIBBLING n. the act of biting gently.
NIBBLINGLYnibblingly adv. In a nibbling manner; with small bites.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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