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List of 9-letter words beginning with

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There are 10 nine-letter words beginning with NAU

NAUGAHYDENaugahyde n. An artificial leather made with a knit fabric backing and PVC coating.
NAUGAHYDE n. (tradename) a type of vinyl-coated fabric.
NAUGHTIERnaughtier adj. Comparative form of naughty: more naughty.
NAUGHTY adj. badly-behaved.
NAUGHTIESnaughties n. (Informal) Naughty people or things.
naughties n. Alternative form of noughties (“first decade of a century”).
Naughties n. Alternative letter-case form of naughties (“first decade of a century”).
NAUGHTILYnaughtily adv. In a naughty manner.
NAUGHTY adv. badly-behaved.
NAUMACHIAnaumachia n. (Historical, nautical, in Ancient Rome) The recreation of a sea battle staged for entertainment.
naumachia n. (Historical) The location where such recreated sea battles took place; a building featuring an artificial…
NAUMACHIA n. (Latin) a mock sea battle, performed as a spectacle among the ancient Romans, also NAUMACHY.
NAUPLIOIDnauplioid adj. Resembling a nauplius.
NAUPLIOID adj. shaped like a nauplius, a larval form in crustaceans.
NAUSEANTSnauseants n. Plural of nauseant.
NAUSEANT n. an agent that induces nausea.
NAUSEATEDnauseated adj. Having a feeling of nausea.
nauseated v. Simple past tense and past participle of nauseate.
NAUSEATE v. to affect with nausea.
NAUSEATESnauseates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of nauseate.
NAUSEATE v. to affect with nausea.
NAUTILOIDnautiloid n. A mollusc resembling a nautilus; specifically, a cephalopod of the subclass Nautiloidea.
nautiloid adj. (Zoology) Resembling a nautilus; pertaining to the subclass Nautiloidea.
NAUTILOID n. a mollusc of the subclass Nautiloidea, to which the nautilus and several extinct species belong.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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