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There are 15 nine-letter words beginning with NAT

NATATIONSNATATION n. the act of swimming.
NATATORIAnatatoria n. Plural of natatorium.
NATATORIUM n. (Latin) an indoor swimming-pool.
NATHELESSnatheless adv. (Archaic) Nevertheless.
na'theless adv. Alternative form of natheless.
NATHEMOREnathemore adv. Obsolete form of neverthemore.
NATHEMORE adv. (Spenser) nevermore, also NATHEMO, NEVERMORE.
NATIONALSnationals n. Plural of national.
Nationals prop.n. Short for National Party.
Nationals n. Plural of National.
NATIVISMSnativisms n. Plural of nativism.
NATIVISM n. the policy of favouring natives of a country.
NATIVISTSnativists n. Plural of nativist.
NATIVIST n. an advocate of nativism, the belief that the mind possesses inborn thoughts.
NATROLITEnatrolite n. (Mineralogy) A fibrous zeolite mineral, being a sodium aluminosilicate, of the chemical formula Na2
NATROLITE n. a common fibrous zeolite, hydrated sodium aluminium silicate.
NATTERERSnatterers n. Plural of natterer.
NATTERER n. someone who natters.
NATTERINGnattering v. Present participle of natter.
nattering n. Idle chatter.
NATTER v. to chatter.
NATTINESSnattiness n. The quality of being natty.
NATTINESS n. the state of being natty.
NATURALLYnaturally adv. In a natural manner.
naturally adv. Inherently or by nature.
naturally adv. Surely or without any doubt.
NATURISMSnaturisms n. Plural of naturism.
NATURISM n. communal nudism.
NATURISTSnaturists n. Plural of naturist.
NATURIST n. a practitioner of naturism, communal nudity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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