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There are 13 eight-letter words beginning with NOS

NOSEBAGSnosebags n. Plural of nosebag.
nose-bags n. Plural of nose-bag.
nose␣bags n. Plural of nose bag.
NOSEBANDnoseband n. The part of a bridle or halter that goes over the nose of an animal, particularly a horse.
NOSEBAND n. a strap passing round the nose of a horse, suspended by its own headpiece fitted under the bridle.
NOSEDIVEnosedive n. A headfirst fall or jump.
nosedive n. (Aviation) A drop in altitude with the nose of the craft angled downwards.
nosedive n. (Economics, etc.) A rapid fall, e.g. in price or value.
NOSEDOVENOSEDIVE v. to plunge nose first.
NOSEGAYSnosegays n. Plural of nosegay.
NOSEGAY n. a bouquet of fragrant flowers.
NOSELESSnoseless adj. Lacking a nose.
NOSELESS adj. without a nose.
NOSELIKEnoselike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a nose.
NOSELIKE adj. like a nose.
NOSELITEnoselite n. (Mineralogy) A rare fluorescent isometric feldspathoid mineral.
NOSELITE n. a cubic mineral, aluminum sodium silicate and sulphur, also NOSEAN.
NOSHERIENOSHERIE n. (colloquial) a cafe or restaurant, also NOSHERY.
NOSINESSnosiness n. The property of being nosy.
NOSINESS n. the quality of being nosy.
NOSOLOGYnosology n. A treatise or written classification of diseases.
nosology n. The study of diseases; the systematic investigation or classification of disease.
nosology n. The characteristics or scientific understanding of a specific disease.
NOSTRILSnostrils n. Plural of nostril.
NOSTRIL n. an external opening of the nose.
NOSTRUMSnostrums n. Plural of nostrum.
NOSTRUM n. (Latin) any secret, quack or patent medicine; any favourite remedy or scheme.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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