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There are 8 eight-letter words beginning with NIN

NINEBARKninebark n. Any flowering plant of the genus Physocarpus.
NINEBARK n. a flowering shrub.
NINEFOLDninefold adj. Having nine parts.
ninefold adj. Having nine times as much or as many.
ninefold adv. By a factor of nine.
NINEPINSninepins n. (Games) The game of skittles.
ninepins n. Plural of ninepin.
NINEPIN n. a wooden pin used in a bowling game.
NINETEENnineteen num. The cardinal number occurring after eighteen and before twenty, represented in Roman numerals as XIX…
NINETEEN n. a number, ten and nine.
NINETIESnineties n. Plural of ninety.
nineties n. The decade of the 1890s, 1990s, etc.
nineties n. The decade of one’s life from age 90 through age 99.
NINJITSUninjitsu n. Alternative form of ninjutsu.
NINJITSU n. (Japanese) a martial art, teaching stealth and camouflage, also NINJUTSU.
NINJUTSUninjutsu n. (Martial arts) A Japanese martial art that is a collection of techniques originally practiced for Japanese…
NINJUTSU n. (Japanese) a martial art, teaching stealth and camouflage, also NINJITSU.
NINNYISHninnyish adj. Silly; foolish.
NINNYISH adj. like a ninny.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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