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There are 13 seven-letter words beginning with NUM

NUMBATSnumbats n. Plural of numbat.
NUMBAT n. (Native Australian) a small Australian marsupial that feeds on termites.
NUMBERSnumbers n. Plural of number.
numbers n. Many individuals as a group.
numbers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of number.
NUMBESTnumbest adj. Superlative form of numb: most numb.
NUMB adj. lacking feeling.
NUMBINGnumbing v. Present participle of numb.
numbing n. An act by which something is numbed.
NUMB v. to deprive of feeling.
NUMBLESnumbles n. (Archaic) The entrails of a deer or other animal, used for food.
NUMBLES n. a deer's entrails, also NOMBLES, UMBLES.
NUMBNUTnumbnut n. Synonym of numbnuts.
numbnut adj. (Slang, Australia) Stupid.
NUMBNUT n. an idiot.
NUMDAHSnumdahs n. Plural of numdah.
NUMDAH n. (Urdu) an embroidered felt rug made in India.
NUMERALnumeral n. A symbol that is not a word and represents a number, such as the Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3 and the Roman…
numeral n. A representation of a number composed of such symbols.
numeral n. (Linguistics) A number word, a simple or compound word for a number often having particular grammatical…
NUMERICnumeric adj. Of or relating to numbers, especially the characters 0 to 9.
numeric adj. (Obsolete) Alternative form of numerical (“the same; identical”).
numeric n. (Mathematics) Any number, proper or improper fraction, or incommensurable ratio.
NUMMARYnummary adj. (Obsolete) Of or pertaining to coins or money.
NUMMARY adj. relating to coins or money, also NUMMULARY.
NUMMIERnummier adj. Comparative form of nummy: more nummy.
NUMMY adj. delicious.
NUMNAHSnumnahs n. Plural of numnah.
NUMNAH n. (Urdu) a pad under the saddle to prevent chafing.
NUMPKINNUMPKIN n. a stupid person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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