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There are 13 seven-letter words beginning with NEU

NEURINEneurine n. (Organic chemistry) A ptomaine, related to choline, formed during putrefaction of biological tissues.
NEURINE n. a very poisonous ptomaine formed in putrefying flesh.
NEURISMneurism n. (Obsolete) A supposed "nerve force" in vitalism.
NEURISM n. a hypothetical nerve force acting on evolution.
NEURITEneurite n. (Neuroanatomy) Any projection from the body of a neuron; either a dendrite or an axon.
NEURITE n. an axon or dendrite of a nerve cell.
NEUROIDneuroid adj. Resembling a nerve or similar neural structure; nervelike.
NEUROID n. either of the halves of a neural arch.
NEUROMAneuroma n. (Pathology) A tumour composed of nerve cells.
NEUROMA n. a tumor developed on, or connected with, a nerve.
NEURONEneurone n. (Chiefly Britain) Alternative spelling of neuron.
NEURONE n. the basic cellular unit of the nervous system, also NEURON.
NEURONSneurons n. Plural of neuron.
NEURON n. (Greek) the basic cellular unit of the nervous system, also NEURONE.
NEURULAneurula n. (Zoology) An embryo of vertebrates in the stage when the primitive band is first developed.
NEURULA n. (Greek) an embryo at the stage succeeding the gastrula, when the neural tube develops from the neural plate.
NEUSTICNEUSTIC n. the part of the sentence that differs with the mood of the sentence.
NEUSTONneuston n. (Biology) All the organisms that live at the surface of water.
NEUSTON n. (Greek) the aggregate of minute aquatic organisms that inhabit the surface of a body of water.
NEUTERSneuters n. Plural of neuter.
neuters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of neuter.
NEUTER v. to castrate.
NEUTRALneutral adj. Not taking sides in a conflict such as war; nonaligned.
neutral adj. Favouring neither the supporting nor opposing viewpoint of a topic of debate; unbiased.
neutral adj. Neither positive nor negative.
NEUTRONneutron n. (Physics) A subatomic particle forming part of the nucleus of an atom and having no charge; it is a…
NEUTRON n. a particle in the nucleus of an atom, which is without electrical charge and with approximately the same mass as a proton.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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