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There are 17 seven-letter words beginning with NER

NERDICSNERDIC n. another name for geekspeak.
NERDIERnerdier adj. Comparative form of nerdy: more nerdy.
NERDY adj. socially inept, also NURDY, NURDISH, NERDISH.
NERDISHnerdish adj. Like a nerd; having the traits of a nerd.
NERDISH adj. socially inept, also NERDY, NURDY, NURDISH.
NEREIDSnereids n. Plural of nereid.
NEREID n. (Latin) a sea nymph, one of the daughters of Nereus, attendant upon Neptune, also NEREIS.
NERINESnerines n. Plural of nerine.
NERINE n. (Latin) a S. African plant related to the amaryllis.
NERITESnerites n. Plural of nerite.
NERITE n. (Greek) a type of sea snail.
NERITICneritic adj. Describing a marine environment of shallow waters.
NERITIC adj. pertaining to shallow water.
NEROLISnerolis n. Plural of neroli.
NEROLI n. (French) an oil distilled from orange flowers.
NERVATEnervate adj. (Botany) nerved.
NERVATE adj. having veins.
NERVERSNERVER n. something which gives one courage, especially drink.
NERVIERnervier adj. Comparative form of nervy: more nervy.
NERVY adj. nervous.
NERVILYnervily adv. In a nervy way.
NERVY adv. nervous.
NERVINEnervine adj. (Medicine) Having the quality of acting upon or affecting the nerves; quieting nervous excitement.
nervine n. A drug or substance that acts upon the nerves.
NERVINE n. a soothing medicine.
NERVINGnerving v. Present participle of nerve.
nerving n. (Botany) An arrangement of nerves or veins in a plant.
NERVING n. a type of veterinary operation.
NERVOUSnervous adj. Of sinews and tendons.
nervous adj. Of nerves.
NERVOUS adj. easily excited.
NERVULEnervule n. (Botany) A minor, nonsupporting vein in a leaf of a plant; a branch vein of a nervure (supporting vein)…
nervule n. (Entomology) A minor vein in a wing of an insect.
NERVULE n. a vascular ridge on a leaf, also NERVURE.
NERVUREnervure n. A vein in the wing of an insect.
nervure n. (Botany, now rare) Any of the veins that form the branching framework of conducting and supporting tissues…
nervure n. (Architecture) One of the ribs in a groined vault; a projecting moulding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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