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List of 5-letter words beginning with

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There are 10 five-letter words beginning with NER

NERALneral n. (Organic chemistry) citral.
NERAL n. the trans-isomer of citral.
NERDSnerds n. Plural of nerd.
NERDS prop.n. (Computing) A stack of technologies used to develop web applications.
NERD n. a person obsessed with computers at the expense of human interaction, also NURD.
NERDYnerdy adj. (Colloquial, derogatory, of a person) Being or like a nerd.
nerdy adj. (Colloquial, derogatory, of a quality or interest) Of, pertaining to, in the style of, or appealing to nerds.
NERDY adj. socially inept, also NURDY, NURDISH, NERDISH.
NERKAnerka n. A sockeye salmon.
nerka n. Used as a specific epithet; sockeye salmon.
NERKA n. the sockeye salmon.
NERKSnerks n. Plural of nerk.
NERK n. a bothersome idiot.
NEROLnerol n. (Organic chemistry) The monoterpene alcohol (Z)-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol, found in many essential oils.
NEROL n. a fragrant alcohol.
NERTSnerts adj. (Slang, euphemistic) Crazy; nuts.
nerts interj. (Slang, euphemistic) Nuts! Expression of dismay.
nerts n. A fast-paced card game played with multiple decks.
NERTZnertz adj. (Informal, slang) nuts.
nertz adj. (Informal, slang) nonsense.
nertz n. Alternative form of nerts (“card game”).
NERVEnerve n. A bundle of neurons with their connective tissue sheaths, blood vessels and lymphatics.
nerve n. (Nonstandard, colloquial) A neuron.
nerve n. (Botany) A vein in a leaf; a grain in wood.
NERVYnervy adj. (US) Having nerve; bold; brazen.
nervy adj. (Britain) Feeling nervous, anxious or agitated.
nervy adj. (Archaic) Strong; sinewy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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