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There are 16 twelve-letter words beginning with NEO

NEOANTHROPICNEOANTHROPIC adj. of, relating to, or resembling modern man.
NEOCLASSICALneoclassical adj. Of pertaining to a style of architecture based on classical models, especially such a style of the 18th century.
neoclassical adj. Of or relating to various art styles, as in sculpture and ballet, inspired by older classical forms and conventions.
neoclassical adj. (Linguistics) Being a recent construction based on older, classical elements.
NEOLOGICALLYneologically adv. In a neological manner.
NEOLOGICAL adv. of or pertaining to neology; employing new words, also NEOLOGIC.
NEONATICIDESneonaticides n. Plural of neonaticide.
NEONATICIDE n. the killing of the newborn.
NEONOMIANISMNeonomianism prop.n. (Theology) The doctrine that the Gospel is a new law whose requirements are fulfilled by faith and repentance…
NEONOMIANISM n. the theory that the gospel abrogates earlier moral codes.
NEOORTHODOXYNeoorthodoxy n. Alternative form of Neo-orthodoxy.
neo-orthodoxy n. (Christianity, theology) A theological movement developed in the aftermath of World War I, largely a…
Neo-orthodoxy n. Alternative letter-case form of neo-orthodoxy.
NEOPAGANISMSNEOPAGANISM n. a revival of paganism, or its spirit.
NEOPAGANIZEDneopaganized v. Simple past tense and past participle of neopaganize.
NEOPAGANIZE v. to make neopagan, also NEOPAGANISE.
NEOPAGANIZESneopaganizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of neopaganize.
NEOPAGANIZE v. to make neopagan, also NEOPAGANISE.
NEOREALISTICneorealistic adj. Of or pertaining to neorealism.
NEOREALISTIC adj. relating to neorealism.
NEOSTIGMINESNEOSTIGMINE n. a synthetic compound used as a drug in treating myasthenia gravis.
NEOTERICALLYneoterically adv. Recently; newly.
NEOTERICAL adv. recent in origin, modern, also NEOTERIC.
NEOVITALISMSNEOVITALISM n. the theory or belief that complete causal explanation of vital phenomena cannot be reached without invoking some extra-material concept.
NEOVITALISTSneovitalists n. Plural of neovitalist.
NEOVITALIST n. a supporter of neovitalism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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