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There are 16 words beginning with MULTIST

MULTISTEPmultistep adj. Involving multiple steps.
MULTISTEP adj. having many steps.
MULTISTAGEmultistage adj. Having more than one step or phase.
multistage adj. (Astronautics, of a rocket) Composed of multiple detachable parts.
MULTISTAGE adj. having many stages.
MULTISTATEmultistate adj. Involving multiple states (in all senses).
MULTISTATE adj. extending over, relating to, or involving a number of the states of a union, federation.
MULTISTORYmultistory adj. (US, Canada) Alternative spelling of multi-storey.
multistory n. (US, Canada) Alternative spelling of multi-storey.
multi-story adj. (US, Canada) Alternative spelling of multi-storey.
MULTISTAGESmultistages n. Multiple stages.
MULTISTATESSorry, definition not available.
MULTISTOREYmultistorey adj. Alternative spelling of multi-storey.
multistorey n. Alternative spelling of multi-storey.
multi-storey adj. (Of a building) Having more than one storey.
MULTISTRANDmultistrand adj. Composed of multiple strands.
multi-strand adj. Alternative form of multistrand.
MULTISTRIKEmultistrike adj. (Of an ink ribbon in a typewriter or printer) Capable of producing multiple impressions from the same…
MULTISTRIKE n. an ink ribbon for use on an electronic typewriter or printer which is struck by keys at different points vertically, often used to produce bold print.
MULTISTEMMEDmultistemmed adj. Having multiple stems.
MULTISTEMMED adj. having many stems.
MULTISTOREYSmultistoreys n. Plural of multistorey.
multi-storeys n. Plural of multi-storey.
MULTISTOREY n. a multistorey car park.
MULTISTORIEDmultistoried adj. Multi-storey.
MULTISTORIED adj. having many storeys.
MULTISTORIESmultistories n. Plural of multistory.
MULTISTORY n. a multistory car park.
MULTISTRIKESMULTISTRIKE n. an ink ribbon for use on an electronic typewriter or printer which is struck by keys at different points vertically, often used to produce bold print.
MULTISTANDARDmultistandard adj. Relating to, or offering support for, more than one standard.
MULTISTANDARD adj. in electronics, able to process signals from several different systems.
MULTISTRANDEDmultistranded adj. Composed of multiple strands.
MULTISTRANDED adj. having many strands.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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