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There are 11 words beginning with MACHINA

MACHINATEmachinate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To devise a plot or secret plan; to conspire.
MACHINATE v. to plan; to contrive; esp. to form a scheme with the purpose of doing harm.
MACHINABLEmachinable adj. Able to be made or modified by machine.
MACHINABLE adj. that can be machined, also MACHINEABLE.
MACHINATEDmachinated v. Simple past tense and past participle of machinate.
MACHINATE v. to plan; to contrive; esp. to form a scheme with the purpose of doing harm.
MACHINATESmachinates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of machinate.
MACHINATE v. to plan; to contrive; esp. to form a scheme with the purpose of doing harm.
MACHINATORmachinator n. One who machinates, or forms a scheme with evil designs; a plotter or artful schemer.
MACHINATOR n. one who machinates; a plotter.
MACHINATINGmachinating v. Present participle of machinate.
MACHINATE v. to plan; to contrive; esp. to form a scheme with the purpose of doing harm.
MACHINATIONmachination n. A clever scheme or artful plot, usually crafted for evil purposes.
machination n. The act of machinating or plotting.
MACHINATION n. an act of machinating.
MACHINATORSmachinators n. Plural of machinator.
MACHINATOR n. one who machinates; a plotter.
MACHINATIONSmachinations n. Plural of machination.
MACHINATION n. an act of machinating.
MACHINABILITYmachinability n. The condition of being machinable.
MACHINABILITY n. the state of being machinable, also MACHINEABILITY.
MACHINABILITIESmachinabilities n. Plural of machinability.
MACHINABILITY n. the state of being machinable, also MACHINEABILITY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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