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There are 12 words beginning with MONOMA

MONOMACHIAmonomachia n. (Obsolete) A duel; single combat.
MONOMACHIA n. single combat; a duel, also MONOMACHY.
MONOMACHIASmonomachias n. Plural of monomachia.
MONOMACHIA n. single combat; a duel, also MONOMACHY.
MONOMACHIESmonomachies n. Plural of monomachy.
MONOMACHY n. single combat; a duel, also MONOMACHIA.
MONOMACHYmonomachy n. (Now rare) A fight or other contest between two people or forces; a duel; single combat.
MONOMACHY n. single combat; a duel, also MONOMACHIA.
MONOMANIAmonomania n. Excessive interest or concentration on a singular object or subject.
monomania n. A pathological obsession with one person, thing or idea.
MONOMANIA n. an abnormal obsession with a single thought or idea.
MONOMANIACmonomaniac n. A person who is obsessed with a single thing, to the exclusion of other concerns.
monomaniac adj. Focused on one thing above all others.
MONOMANIAC n. someone obsessed with one subject only.
MONOMANIACALmonomaniacal adj. Fanatical, or obsessed with one cause or idea to the exclusion of other concerns.
monomaniacal adj. Of or relating to a monomaniac.
MONOMANIACAL adj. obsessed with one subject only.
MONOMANIACALLYmonomaniacally adv. In a monomaniacal manner.
MONOMANIACAL adv. obsessed with one subject only.
MONOMANIACSmonomaniacs n. Plural of monomaniac.
MONOMANIAC n. someone obsessed with one subject only.
MONOMANIASmonomanias n. Plural of monomania.
MONOMANIA n. an abnormal obsession with a single thought or idea.
MONOMARKmonomark n. (UK, historical) A short alphanumeric sequence used in place of a postal address.
MONOMARK n. a particular combination of letters, figures etc. as a mark of identification.
MONOMARKSmonomarks n. Plural of monomark.
MONOMARK n. a particular combination of letters, figures etc. as a mark of identification.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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