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There are 9 words beginning with MONOCA

MONOCARPmonocarp n. (Botany) Any monocarpic plant.
MONOCARP n. a plant that yields fruit only once before dying.
MONOCARPSmonocarps n. Plural of monocarp.
MONOCARP n. a plant that yields fruit only once before dying.
MONOCARPICmonocarpic adj. (Botany) (of a plant) That flowers and bears fruit only once before dying.
MONOCARPIC adj. having only one ovary; producing one fruit, also MONOCARPOUS.
MONOCAUSALmonocausal adj. Having a single cause.
MONOCARDIANmonocardian adj. (Zoology) Having a heart with a single ventricle.
MONOCARDIAN n. a creature that has only one heart.
MONOCARPOUSmonocarpous adj. Synonym of monocarpic.
MONOCARPOUS adj. having only one ovary; producing one fruit, also MONOCARPIC.
MONOCARDIANSMONOCARDIAN n. a creature that has only one heart.
MONOCARBOXYLICmonocarboxylic adj. (Organic chemistry) Having a single carboxyl or carboxylic acid group.
MONOCARBOXYLIC adj. containing one carboxyl group.
MONOCARPELLARYmonocarpellary adj. (Botany) Consisting of a single carpel.
MONOCARPELLARY adj. of or with only one carpel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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