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There are 10 words beginning with MADRAS

MADRASmadras n. A brightly colored cotton fabric with a checked or striped pattern.
madras n. A large handkerchief of this fabric, worn on the head in the West Indies.
Madras prop.n. Former name of Chennai, the capital and largest city of Tamil Nadu, India.
MADRASAmadrasa n. Alternative spelling of madrasah.
MADRASA n. (Arabic) an Islamic college, or school attached to mosque, also MADRASAH, MADRASSA, MADRASSAH, MEDRESA, MEDRESE, MEDRESSEH.
MADRASAHmadrasah n. (Islam) A school for any kind of teaching, at any grade level; usually specifically a school that teaches…
MADRASAH n. (Arabic) an Islamic college, or school attached to mosque, also MADRASA, MADRASSA, MADRASSAH, MEDRESA, MEDRESE, MEDRESSEH.
MADRASASmadrasas n. Plural of madrasa, an alternative spelling of madrassah.
MADRASA n. (Arabic) an Islamic college, or school attached to mosque, also MADRASAH, MADRASSA, MADRASSAH, MEDRESA, MEDRESE, MEDRESSEH.
MADRASESmadrases n. Plural of madras.
MADRAS n. (Tamil) a fine plain-woven cotton or silk.
MADRASSAmadrassa n. Alternative spelling of madrasah.
MADRASSA n. (Arabic) an Islamic college, or school attached to mosque, also MADRASA, MADRASAH, MADRASSAH, MEDRESA, MEDRESE, MEDRESSEH.
MADRASAHSmadrasahs n. Plural of madrasah.
MADRASAH n. (Arabic) an Islamic college, or school attached to mosque, also MADRASA, MADRASSA, MADRASSAH, MEDRESA, MEDRESE, MEDRESSEH.
MADRASSAHmadrassah n. Alternative form of madrasah.
MADRASSAH n. (Arabic) an Islamic college, or school attached to mosque, also MADRASA, MADRASAH, MADRASSA, MEDRESA, MEDRESE, MEDRESSEH.
MADRASSASmadrassas n. Plural of madrassa.
MADRASSA n. (Arabic) an Islamic college, or school attached to mosque, also MADRASA, MADRASAH, MADRASSAH, MEDRESA, MEDRESE, MEDRESSEH.
MADRASSAHSmadrassahs n. Plural of madrassah.
MADRASSAH n. (Arabic) an Islamic college, or school attached to mosque, also MADRASA, MADRASAH, MADRASSA, MEDRESA, MEDRESE, MEDRESSEH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 15 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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