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There are 7 nine-letter words beginning with MICROC

MICROCARDmicrocard n. A small card bearing a microreproduction of text, resembling the microfiche format but on cardboard…
microcard v. (Transitive) To transfer to microcard format.
MICROCARD n. a card representing some 200 or more pages of a book in microscopic print.
MICROCARSmicrocars n. Plural of microcar.
MICROCAR n. a compact small-engined car.
MICROCHIPmicrochip n. Integrated circuit; microprocessor.
microchip v. To fit (an animal) with a microchip.
MICROCHIP n. a chip of silicon.
MICROCODEmicrocode n. (Computing) The collective microprograms in a CPU, used to run machine instructions.
microcode v. (Computing, transitive) To write or rewrite (program instructions) in microcode, typically to optimize performance.
MICROCODE n. a micro-instruction.
MICROCOPYmicrocopy n. (Countable) A photocopy that is greatly reduced in size.
microcopy n. (Uncountable, marketing) Very short copy.
microcopy v. (Transitive) To copy (a document) at a greatly reduced size.
MICROCOSMmicrocosm n. Human nature or the human body as representative of the wider universe; man considered as a miniature…
microcosm n. (Obsolete) The human body; a person.
microcosm n. A smaller system which is seen as representative of a larger one.
MICROCYTEmicrocyte n. An unusually small red blood cell found in some forms of anemia.
MICROCYTE n. an unusually small red blood cell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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