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There are 5 nine-letter words beginning with METEOR

METEORISMmeteorism n. A rapid accumulation of gas in the intestine. It is typically a sign of bowel necrosis from bacterial…
METEORISM n. abdominal cramps and swelling due to flatulence.
METEORISTmeteorist n. (Dated) A meteorologist.
meteorist n. One who believes that lunar craters were formed by meteorite impacts and not by volcanic action.
METEORIST n. one suffering from meteorism, abdominal cramps and swelling due to flatulence.
METEORITEmeteorite n. A metallic or stony object or body that is the remains of a meteoroid.
METEORITE n. a meteor that has fallen to earth as a lump of stone or metal.
METEOROIDmeteoroid n. (Astronomy) A relatively small (sand- to boulder-sized) fragment of debris in a star system that produces…
METEOROID n. a meteor that has not reached the earth's atmosphere.
METEOROUSmeteorous adj. (Archaic) Of the nature or appearance of a meteor.
METEOROUS adj. of the nature or appearance of a meteor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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