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There are 16 thirteen-letter words beginning with MICROC

MICROCAPSULESmicrocapsules n. Plural of microcapsule.
MICROCAPSULE n. a tiny capsule containing material (as an adhesive or a medicine) that is released when the capsule is broken.
MICROCASSETTEmicrocassette n. An extremely small tape for use with a tape player, cassette player, or dictation machine.
MICROCASSETTE n. a small cassette of magnetic tape.
MICROCEPHALICmicrocephalic adj. Having an abnormally small head.
microcephalic n. A person with an abnormally small head.
MICROCEPHALIC adj. having a very small head, also MICROCEPHALOUS.
MICROCHEMICALmicrochemical adj. Of or pertaining to microchemistry.
MICROCHEMICAL adj. relating to microchemistry.
MICROCHIPPINGmicrochipping v. Present participle of microchip.
MICROCHIP v. to fit with a microchip.
MICROCIRCUITSmicrocircuits n. Plural of microcircuit.
MICROCIRCUIT n. a compact electronic circuit.
MICROCLIMATESmicroclimates n. Plural of microclimate.
MICROCLIMATE n. the climate of a very small area.
MICROCLIMATICmicroclimatic adj. Of or pertaining to a microclimate.
MICROCLIMATIC adj. relating to microclimate, the climate of a very small area.
MICROCOMPUTERmicrocomputer n. (Computer hardware) A computer designed around a microprocessor, smaller than a minicomputer or a mainframe.
MICROCOMPUTER n. a small computer usually equipped with a microprocessor.
MICROCOPYINGSMICROCOPYING n. the act of copying on microfilm.
MICROCOSMICALmicrocosmical adj. Alternative form of microcosmic.
MICROCOSMICAL adj. of or like a microcosm, also MICROCOSMIC.
MICROCOSMOSESmicrocosmoses n. Plural of microcosmos.
MICROCOSMOS n. a little universe or world.
MICROCRACKINGmicrocracking v. Present participle of microcrack.
MICROCRACKING n. microscopic cracking.
MICROCRYSTALSmicrocrystals n. Plural of microcrystal.
MICROCRYSTAL n. a microscopic crystal.
MICROCULTURALmicrocultural adj. Of or pertaining to a microculture.
MICROCULTURAL adj. relating to microculture.
MICROCULTURESmicrocultures n. Plural of microculture.
MICROCULTURE n. a microscopic culture of cells or organisms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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