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There are 17 words beginning with MONOD

MONODYmonody n. An ode, as in Greek drama, for a single voice, often specifically a mournful song or dirge.
monody n. Any poem mourning the death of someone; an elegy.
monody n. A monotonous or mournful noise.
MONODICmonodic adj. Pertaining to monody.
MONODIC adj. of or like a monody, a mournful ode or poem performed by a single mourner, also MONODICAL.
MONODIESmonodies n. Plural of monody.
MONODY n. an elegy performed by one person.
MONODISTmonodist n. The writer of a monody.
MONODIST n. a writer of a monody, a mournful ode or poem performed by a single mourner.
MONODONTmonodont adj. Homodont.
MONODONT adj. one-tusked, like a narwhal.
MONODICALmonodical adj. Pertaining to monody.
MONODICAL adj. of or like a monody, a mournful ode or poem performed by a single mourner, also MONODIC.
MONODISTSmonodists n. Plural of monodist.
MONODIST n. a writer of a monody, a mournful ode or poem performed by a single mourner.
MONODRAMAmonodrama n. (Theater) A play in the form of a monologue.
MONODRAMA n. a one-man show; a play having only one actor.
MONODRAMASmonodramas n. Plural of monodrama.
MONODRAMA n. a one-man show; a play having only one actor.
MONODELPHICmonodelphic adj. Alternative form of monodelphous.
MONODELPHIC adj. relating to the Monodelphia, placental mammals, also MONODELPHIAN.
MONODICALLYmonodically adv. As a monody; in the monodic style.
MONODICAL adv. of or like a monody, a mournful ode or poem performed by a single mourner, also MONODIC.
MONODELPHIANmonodelphian n. (Zoology) One of the Monodelphia.
MONODELPHIAN n. any placental mammal that is a member of the group Monodelphi.
MONODELPHOUSmonodelphous adj. (Botany) Describing stamens that have filaments united into a single tubelike group.
monodelphous adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the Monodelphia.
MONODELPHOUS adj. relating to the Monodelphia, placental mammals.
MONODISPERSEmonodisperse adj. (Of a colloid) Having particles of (approximately) the same size.
monodisperse adj. (Of a polymer, proscribed) Synonym of uniform (“composed of a single macromolecular species”).
monodisperse v. To cause to become monodisperse.
MONODRAMATICmonodramatic adj. Relating to a monodrama.
MONODRAMATIC adj. of or like a monodrama.
MONODACTYLOUSmonodactylous adj. (Of an animal) Having a single digit on each limb, especially a single claw that can be used to grasp.
MONODACTYLOUS adj. one-toed or one-fingered.
MONODELPHIANSmonodelphians n. Plural of monodelphian.
MONODELPHIAN n. any placental mammal that is a member of the group Monodelphi.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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