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There are 19 words beginning with MOMEN

MOMENTmoment n. A brief, unspecified amount of time.
moment n. The smallest portion of time; an instant.
moment n. (Figurative) Weight or importance.
MOMENTAmomenta n. Plural of momentum.
MOMENTUM n. (Latin) force of movement.
MOMENTOmomento n. Misspelling of memento.
MOMENTO n. something kept or given as a reminder, also MEMENTO.
MOMENTSmoments n. Plural of moment.
moments v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of moment.
Moments prop.n. Plural of Moment.
MOMENTLYmomently adv. (Archaic) From moment to moment; continually.
momently adv. (Now literary) Momentarily; for a moment.
MOMENTLY adv. from moment to moment.
MOMENTOSmomentos n. Misspelling of momentoes.
MOMENTO n. something kept or given as a reminder, also MEMENTO.
MOMENTUMmomentum n. (Physics) Of a body in motion: the tendency of a body to maintain its inertial motion; the product of…
momentum n. The impetus, either of a body in motion, or of an idea or course of events; a moment.
MOMENTUM n. (Latin) force of movement.
MOMENTANYmomentany adj. (Obsolete) Momentary, transient.
MOMENTANY adj. (Shakespeare) momentary.
MOMENTARYmomentary adj. Lasting for only a moment.
momentary adj. Happening at every moment; perpetual.
momentary adj. Ephemeral or relatively short-lived.
MOMENTOESmomentoes n. Plural of momento.
MOMENTO n. something kept or given as a reminder, also MEMENTO.
MOMENTOUSmomentous adj. Outstanding in importance, of great consequence.
MOMENTOUS adj. of great consequence.
MOMENTUMSmomentums n. Plural of momentum.
MOMENTUM n. (Latin) force of movement.
MOMENTARILYmomentarily adv. (Manner) In a momentary manner; for a moment or instant.
momentarily adv. (US, proscribed, duration) In a moment or very soon; any minute now, any time now.
momentarily adv. Progressively; moment by moment.
MOMENTOUSLYmomentously adv. In a momentous manner.
MOMENTOUS adv. of great consequence.
MOMENTANEOUSmomentaneous adj. (Grammar) Of or relating to a grammatical aspect relating to an action that takes place at a specific point in time.
momentaneous adj. (Archaic) momentary.
MOMENTANEOUS adj. momentary; instantaneous.
MOMENTARINESSmomentariness n. The property of being momentary.
MOMENTARINESS n. the state of being momentary.
MOMENTOUSNESSmomentousness n. The quality of being momentous.
MOMENTOUS n. of great consequence.
MOMENTARINESSESmomentarinesses n. Plural of momentariness.
MOMENTARINESS n. the state of being momentary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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