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There are 17 words beginning with MISAN

MISANALYSESmisanalyses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misanalyse.
misanalyses n. Plural of misanalysis.
MISANALYSIS n. a wrong analysis.
MISANALYSISmisanalysis n. Incorrect analysis.
MISANALYSIS n. a wrong analysis.
MISANDRIESmisandries n. Plural of misandry.
MISANDRY n. hatred of men.
MISANDRISTmisandrist adj. Exhibiting or pertaining to misandry: hating or prejudiced against men.
misandrist n. One who professes misandry; a hater of men.
MISANDRIST n. a hater of men.
MISANDRISTSmisandrists n. Plural of misandrist.
MISANDRIST n. a hater of men.
MISANDROUSmisandrous adj. Exhibiting or pertaining to misandry: hating or prejudiced against men.
MISANDROUS adj. hating men.
MISANDRYmisandry n. Hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against men.
MISANDRY n. hatred of men.
MISANTHROPEmisanthrope n. One who hates all mankind; one who hates the human race.
MISANTHROPE n. one who hates or distrusts mankind, also MISANTHROPOS.
MISANTHROPESmisanthropes n. Plural of misanthrope.
MISANTHROPE n. one who hates or distrusts mankind, also MISANTHROPOS.
MISANTHROPICmisanthropic adj. Disliking or hating mankind.
MISANTHROPIC adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of a misanthrope, also MISANTHROPICAL.
MISANTHROPICALmisanthropical adj. Misanthropic.
MISANTHROPICAL adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of a misanthrope, also MISANTHROPIC.
MISANTHROPIESmisanthropies n. Plural of misanthropy.
MISANTHROPY n. a hatred or distrust of humankind.
MISANTHROPISTmisanthropist n. A misanthrope; a person who hates all humankind.
MISANTHROPIST n. one who dislikes human beings.
MISANTHROPISTSmisanthropists n. Plural of misanthropist.
MISANTHROPIST n. one who dislikes human beings.
MISANTHROPOSMISANTHROPOS n. (Shakespeare) a misanthrope, also MISANTHROPE.
MISANTHROPOSESMISANTHROPOS n. (Shakespeare) a misanthrope, also MISANTHROPE.
MISANTHROPYmisanthropy n. Hatred or dislike of people or mankind.
MISANTHROPY n. a hatred or distrust of humankind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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