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There are 7 words beginning with MESON

MESONmeson n. (Rare outside entomology) The mesial plane dividing the body into similar right and left halves.
meson n. (Obsolete) A member of a group of subatomic particles having a mass intermediate between electrons and…
meson n. (Now specifically, physics) An elementary particle that is composed of a quark and an antiquark, such…
MESONEPHRICmesonephric adj. Of or pertaining to the mesonephros.
MESONEPHRIC adj. relating to the mesonephros.
MESONEPHROImesonephroi n. Plural of mesonephros.
MESONEPHROS n. the second of the three segments of the embryonic kidney in vertebrates.
MESONEPHROSmesonephros n. (Biology) The second of the three excretory organs of the developing embryo; the Wolffian body.
MESONEPHROS n. the second of the three segments of the embryonic kidney in vertebrates.
MESONEPHROSESmesonephroses n. Plural of mesonephros.
MESONEPHROS n. the second of the three segments of the embryonic kidney in vertebrates.
MESONICmesonic adj. Of or pertaining to mesons.
MESONIC adj. relating to the meson, a short-lived subatomic particle of smaller mass than a proton.
MESONSmesons n. Plural of meson.
MESON n. a short-lived subatomic particle of smaller mass than a proton.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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