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There are 16 words beginning with MASSI

MASSICOTmassicot n. (Chemistry) lead monoxide, PbO, obtained as a yellow amorphous powder, the fused and crystalline form…
MASSICOT n. (French) yellow lead monoxide, also MASTICOT.
MASSICOTSmassicots n. Plural of massicot.
MASSICOT n. (French) yellow lead monoxide, also MASTICOT.
MASSIERmassier adj. Comparative form of massy: more massy.
MASSY adj. solid, full of mass.
MASSIESTmassiest adj. Superlative form of massy: most massy.
MASSY adj. solid, full of mass.
MASSIFmassif n. A principal mountain mass.
massif n. A block of the earth’s crust bounded by faults or flexures and displaced as a unit without internal…
MASSIF n. (French) a principal mountain mass.
MASSIFICATIONmassification n. The process of bringing something to a mass audience.
massification n. (Grammar) Conversion of a count noun to a mass noun.
MASSIFICATION n. the practice of making luxury products available to the mass market.
MASSIFICATIONSMASSIFICATION n. the practice of making luxury products available to the mass market.
MASSIFSmassifs n. Plural of massif.
MASSIF n. (French) a principal mountain mass.
MASSINESSmassiness n. The state or quality of being massy; ponderousness.
MASSINESS n. the state of being massy.
MASSINESSESMASSINESS n. the state of being massy.
MASSINGmassing v. Present participle of mass.
massing n. A bringing together into a mass.
MASS v. to assemble as a body.
MASSIVEmassive adj. Very large in size or extent.
massive adj. Very large or bulky and heavy and solid.
massive adj. (Informal) To a very great extent; total, utter.
MASSIVELYmassively adv. In a massive manner, in a way that appears large, heavy or imposing.
massively adv. (Slang) Greatly.
MASSIVE adv. of great size.
MASSIVENESSmassiveness n. The property of being massive.
MASSIVENESS n. the state of being massive.
MASSIVENESSESmassivenesses n. Plural of massiveness.
MASSIVENESS n. the state of being massive.
MASSIVESmassives n. Plural of massive.
MASSIVE n. a group of youths from a particular area.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 49 words
  • Scrabble in French: 101 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 218 words
  • Scrabble in German: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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