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There are 19 words beginning with MARRO

MARRONmarron n. A sweet chestnut.
marron n. Cherax tenuimanus, a species of freshwater crayfish from Western Australia.
Marron prop.n. A surname from French.
MARRONSmarrons n. Plural of marron.
Marrons prop.n. Plural of Marron.
MARRON n. (Native Australian) a freshwater crayfish of West Australia, also CAMARON, MARON.
MARROWmarrow n. (Uncountable) The substance inside bones which produces blood cells.
marrow n. (Countable) A kind of vegetable like a large courgette/zucchini or squash.
marrow n. The pith of certain plants.
MARROWBONEmarrowbone n. A bone containing edible marrow.
marrowbone n. (Humorous, chiefly in the plural) The shins or knees, chiefly in references to kneeling.
MARROWBONE n. a bone containing marrow; in plural, the knees.
MARROWBONESmarrowbones n. Plural of marrowbone.
MARROWBONE n. a bone containing marrow; in plural, the knees.
MARROWEDMARROW v. to be a mate or companion.
MARROWFATmarrowfat n. A large variety of pea that is often processed and sold in tins/cans.
MARROWFAT n. a rich but late variety of pea.
MARROWFATSmarrowfats n. Plural of marrowfat.
MARROWFAT n. a rich but late variety of pea.
MARROWIERMARROWY adj. full of marrow; pithy.
MARROWIESTMARROWY adj. full of marrow; pithy.
MARROWINGMARROW v. to be a mate or companion.
MARROWISHmarrowish adj. Similar to bone marrow.
MARROWISH adj. of the nature of, or like, marrow.
MARROWLESSmarrowless adj. Without marrow.
MARROWLESS adj. destitute of marrow.
MARROWSmarrows n. Plural of marrow.
Marrows prop.n. Plural of Marrow.
MARROW v. to be a mate or companion.
MARROWSKIEDMARROWSKY v. to utter a spoonerism.
MARROWSKIESmarrowskies n. Plural of marrowsky.
MARROWSKY v. to utter a spoonerism.
MARROWSKYmarrowsky n. (Rare) Spoonerism.
MARROWSKY n. a spoonerism.
MARROWSKY v. to utter a spoonerism.
MARROWSKYINGMARROWSKY v. to utter a spoonerism.
MARROWYmarrowy adj. Full of marrow; pithy.
MARROWY adj. full of marrow; pithy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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