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There are 15 words beginning with MANTI

MANTICmantic adj. Relating to divination; prophetic.
mantic n. A soothsayer, a seer.
-mantic suff. Forms adjectives corresponding to nouns ending in -mancy.
MANTIDmantid n. Mantis (insect).
MANTID n. a predatory insect, also MANTIS.
MANTISmantis n. Any of various large insects of the order Mantodea that catch insects or other small animals with their…
mantis n. A green colour, like that of many mantises.
Mantis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Mantidae – the type genus of the Mantodea, the mantises.
MANTIDSmantids n. Plural of mantid.
MANTID n. a predatory insect, also MANTIS.
MANTIESmanties n. Plural of manty.
manties n. Plural of manti.
manties n. (Plural only) A style of male undergarment briefs that look similar to women’s panties.
MANTILLAmantilla n. A lace veil of Spanish origin worn over a woman’s hair and shoulders.
mantilla n. A woman’s light cloak or cape made of silk, velvet, lace, or other material.
Mantilla prop.n. A surname.
MANTISESmantises n. Plural of mantis.
MANTIS n. a predatory insect, also MANTID.
MANTISSAmantissa n. (Obsolete) A minor addition to a text.
mantissa n. (Mathematics) The part of a common logarithm after the decimal point, the fractional part of a logarithm.
mantissa n. (Mathematics, computing) The significand; that part of a floating-point number or number in scientific…
MANTICORAmanticora n. Alternative form of manticore.
manticora n. Any of various predatory beetles of genus Manticora.
MANTICORA n. a mythical monster with head of man, body of lion, tail of dragon or scorpion, also MANTICORE.
MANTICOREmanticore n. (Greek mythology) A beast with the body of a lion (usually red), the tail of a scorpion, and the head/face…
MANTICORE n. a mythical monster with head of man, body of lion, tail of dragon or scorpion, also MANTICORA.
MANTILLASmantillas n. Plural of mantilla.
Mantillas prop.n. Plural of Mantilla.
MANTILLA n. (Spanish) a veil covering the head and shoulders.
MANTISSASmantissas n. Plural of mantissa.
MANTISSA n. (Latin) the decimal part of a logarithm.
MANTICALLYMANTIC adv. (Greek) having powers of prophecy.
MANTICORASmanticoras n. Plural of manticora.
MANTICORA n. a mythical monster with head of man, body of lion, tail of dragon or scorpion, also MANTICORE.
MANTICORESmanticores n. Plural of manticore.
MANTICORE n. a mythical monster with head of man, body of lion, tail of dragon or scorpion, also MANTICORA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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