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There are 19 words beginning with MALAC

MALACCAMalacca prop.n. A state in western Malaysia.
Malacca prop.n. The capital city of Malacca State, Malaysia.
Malacca prop.n. Short for Strait of Malacca.
MALACIAmalacia n. (Medicine, pathology) Abnormal softening of organs or tissues of the human body.
malacia n. (Medicine, obsolete) An abnormal craving for certain types of food.
MALACIA n. (Greek) a pathological softening of tissue.
MALACCASMalaccas n. Plural of Malacca.
MALACCA n. (Malay) the cane of an Asian rattan palm.
MALACIASmalacias n. Plural of malacia.
MALACIA n. (Greek) a pathological softening of tissue.
MALACHITEmalachite n. (Mineralogy) A bright green mineral, a basic copper carbonate, Cu2CO3(OH)2; one of the principal ores…
malachite n. A mild green colour, like that of the mineral.
malachite adj. Of a colour ranging from olive-taupe to a mild to deeply-rich (at times seemingly translucent) green…
MALACHITESmalachites n. Plural of malachite.
MALACHITE n. native hydrous carbonate of copper, usually occurring in green mammillary masses with concentric fibrous structure.
MALACOLOGYmalacology n. (Zoology) The study of molluscs.
MALACOLOGY n. the study of molluscs.
MALACOPHILYmalacophily n. (Botany) pollination by snails.
MALACOPHILY n. pollination by snails.
MALACOLOGIESMALACOLOGY n. the study of molluscs.
MALACOLOGISTmalacologist n. A person who studies molluscs; a specialist in malacology.
MALACOLOGIST n. a student of molluscs.
MALACOLOGICALmalacological adj. Of, or pertaining to, malacology.
MALACOLOGICAL adj. relating to malacology, the study of molluscs.
MALACOLOGISTSmalacologists n. Plural of malacologist.
MALACOLOGIST n. a student of molluscs.
MALACOPHILIESMALACOPHILY n. pollination by snails.
MALACOPHILOUSmalacophilous adj. (Botany) pollinated by snails or slugs.
MALACOPHILOUS adj. of plants, pollinated by snails.
MALACOSTRACANmalacostracan n. (Zoology) Any of very many crustaceans of the class Malacostraca.
MALACOSTRACAN n. any of a large subclass of crustaceans having a thorax consisting of eight segments usually covered by a carapace and including the decapods and isopods.
MALACOPHYLLOUSmalacophyllous adj. (Botany) Having soft or fleshy leaves.
MALACOPHYLLOUS adj. of plants living in dry regions, having fleshy leaves in which water is stored.
MALACOSTRACANSmalacostracans n. Plural of malacostracan.
MALACOSTRACAN n. any of a large subclass of crustaceans having a thorax consisting of eight segments usually covered by a carapace and including the decapods and isopods.
MALACOSTRACOUSmalacostracous adj. (Zoology) Belonging to the Malacostraca.
MALACOSTRACOUS adj. relating to the Malacostra, the best-known class of crustaceans, including crabs, lobsters, shrimps, prawns, etc.
MALACOPTERYGIANmalacopterygian n. (Archaic) (zoology) Any of the obsolete order of fish Malacopterygii.
MALACOPTERYGIAN adj. belonging to the Malacopterygii, a soft-finned suborder of bony fishes, including herrings and salmon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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