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There are 6 nine-letter words beginning with MACHI

MACHINATEmachinate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To devise a plot or secret plan; to conspire.
MACHINATE v. to plan; to contrive; esp. to form a scheme with the purpose of doing harm.
MACHINERYmachinery n. The machines constituting a production apparatus, in a plant etc., collectively.
machinery n. The working parts of a machine as a group.
machinery n. The collective parts of something which allow it to function.
MACHINIMAmachinima n. (Video games, film, countable, uncountable) The rendering of computer-generated imagery using low-end…
machinima n. (Video games, film, uncountable) The genre of films created by such techniques.
MACHINIMA n. the use of realtime three-dimensional graphics rendering engines to generate computer animation.
MACHININGmachining v. Present participle of machine.
machining n. The act or process of machining, of manufacturing or finishing by machine.
MACHINING n. process by machine.
MACHINISTmachinist n. A constructor of machines and engines; one versed in the principles of machines.
machinist n. One skilled in the use of machine tools for fashioning metal parts or tools out of metal.
machinist n. A person who operates machinery.
MACHISMOSmachismos n. Plural of machismo.
MACHISMO n. (Spanish) the quality of being macho, also MACHOISM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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