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There are 11 eleven-letter words beginning with MEDIA

MEDIAEVALLYmediaevally adv. Alternative form of medievally.
mediævally adv. (Archaic or archaizing) Alternative form of medievally.
MEDIAEVAL adv. belonging to the Middle Ages, also MEDIEVAL.
MEDIASCAPESmediascapes n. Plural of mediascape.
MEDIASTINALmediastinal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the mediastinum.
MEDIASTINAL adj. relating to the mediastinum, the chest cavity containing the heart.
MEDIASTINUMmediastinum n. (Anatomy) The region in mammals between the pleural sacs, containing the heart and all of the thoracic…
MEDIASTINUM n. the chest cavity containing the heart.
MEDIATENESSmediateness n. The state of being mediate.
MEDIATENESS n. the state of being mediate.
MEDIATIONALmediational adj. Of or pertaining to mediation.
MEDIATIONAL adj. relating to mediation.
MEDIATISINGmediatising v. Present participle of mediatise.
MEDIATISE v. to cause to act through an agent or to hold a subordinate position, also MEDIATIZE.
MEDIATIZINGmediatizing v. Present participle of mediatize.
MEDIATIZE v. to cause to act through an agent or to hold a subordinate position, also MEDIATISE.
MEDIATORIALmediatorial adj. Relating to or befitting a mediator (one who mediates).
MEDIATORIAL adj. of or like a mediator.
MEDIATRICESmediatrices n. Plural of mediatrix.
MEDIATRIX n. (archaic) a female mediator, also MEDIATRESS.
MEDIATRIXESmediatrixes n. Plural of mediatrix.
MEDIATRIX n. (archaic) a female mediator, also MEDIATRESS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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