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There are 20 ten-letter words beginning with MONOC

MONOCARPICmonocarpic adj. (Botany) (of a plant) That flowers and bears fruit only once before dying.
MONOCARPIC adj. having only one ovary; producing one fruit, also MONOCARPOUS.
MONOCAUSALmonocausal adj. Having a single cause.
MONOCEROUSmonocerous adj. Relating to or characteristic of a monoceros.
MONOCEROUS adj. having only one horn.
MONOCHASIAmonochasia n. Plural of monochasium.
MONOCHASIUM n. a cyme with a single main stem.
MONOCHORDSmonochords n. Plural of monochord.
MONOCHORD n. a musical instrument having only one string.
MONOCHROICmonochroic adj. Having only one colour.
MONOCHROIC adj. of one colour.
MONOCHROIC n. something of one colour.
MONOCHROMEmonochrome n. A black and white image, especially such a photograph.
monochrome n. (Dated) A painting executed in shades of a single colour.
monochrome n. A ceramic glaze of a single colour; an object so glazed.
MONOCHROMYmonochromy n. (Dated) The art of painting or drawing in monochrome.
MONOCHROMY n. the art of painting or drawing in monochrome.
MONOCLINALmonoclinal adj. (Geology) Having one oblique inclination; applied to strata that dip in only one direction from the axis of elevation.
MONOCLINAL adj. relating to a monocline.
MONOCLINAL n. a monocline.
MONOCLINESmonoclines n. Plural of monocline.
MONOCLINE n. a simple fold, described as a local steepening in strata with an otherwise uniform dip.
MONOCLINICmonoclinic adj. (Crystallography) Having three unequal axes with two perpendicular and one oblique intersections.
MONOCLINIC adj. referable to three unequal axes, two intersecting each other obliquely and at right angles to the third.
MONOCLONALmonoclonal adj. (Biochemistry) genetically engineered from a single clone; used especially of a protein or antibody.
monoclonal n. (Immunochemistry) something produced from a single clone, especially a monoclonal antibody.
MONOCLONAL adj. derived from a single cell clone that can reproduce itself in vast quantities.
MONOCOQUESmonocoques n. Plural of monocoque.
MONOCOQUE n. (French) an aircraft structure in which the outer skin carries all or most of the torsional and bending stresses; a car structure in which the body is integral with and shares the stresses with the chassis.
MONOCOTYLSmonocotyls n. Plural of monocotyl.
MONOCOTYL n. a plant having a single cotyledon, also MONOCOT, MONOCOTYLEDON.
MONOCRATICmonocratic adj. Synonym of autocratic.
MONOCRATIC adj. autocratic.
MONOCULARSmonoculars n. Plural of monocular.
MONOCULAR n. a field glass or microscope for use with one eye.
MONOCULOUSmonoculous adj. (Archaic) one-eyed, monocular.
MONOCULOUS adj. monocular.
MONOCYCLESmonocycles n. Plural of monocycle.
MONOCYCLE n. a cycle with only one wheel, also UNICYCLE.
MONOCYCLICmonocyclic adj. Having a single cycle of development or activity.
monocyclic adj. (Chemistry) Having a single ring of atoms in the molecule; such as benzene or cyclopropane.
monocyclic n. (Chemistry) Any monocyclic compound.
MONOCYTOIDmonocytoid adj. Relating to monocytes.
MONOCYTOID adj. of or like a monocyte, a large white blood corpuscle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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