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There are 7 words beginning with MUCR

MUCROmucro n. (Botany, zoology) A pointed end, often sharp, abruptly terminating an organ, such as a projection at…
MUCRO n. (Latin) a sharp point at the end of certain plant and animal organs.
MUCROSmucros n. Plural of mucro.
MUCRO n. (Latin) a sharp point at the end of certain plant and animal organs.
MUCRONESmucrones n. Plural of mucro.
MUCRO n. (Latin) a sharp point at the end of certain plant and animal organs.
MUCRONATEmucronate adj. (Biology) Terminating in a mucro (an abruptly tapering point or a sharp spine) such as at the end of a leaf.
MUCRONATE adj. terminating in a sharp point, as a mucronate leaf, also MUCRONATED.
MUCRONATEDmucronated adj. Mucronate.
MUCRONATED adj. terminating in a sharp point, also MUCRONATE.
MUCRONATIONmucronation n. The property of being mucronate.
mucronation n. A mucronate structure.
MUCRONATION n. the state of being mucronate.
MUCRONATIONSmucronations n. Plural of mucronation.
MUCRONATION n. the state of being mucronate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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