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There are 20 words beginning with MORE

MOREmore det. Comparative degree of many: in greater number. (Used for a discrete quantity.)
more det. Comparative degree of much: in greater quantity, amount, or proportion. (Used for a continuous quantity.)
more det. Additional; further.
MORELmorel n. Any of several edible mushrooms, especially the common morel or yellow morel.
morel n. Any of several fungi in the genus Morchella, the upper part of which is covered with a reticulated and…
morel n. Archaic form of morello (“type of cherry”).
MORESmores n. A set of moral norms or customs derived from generally accepted practices rather than written laws.
mores n. Plural of more.
mores v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of more.
MOREENmoreen n. A thick woollen fabric, watered or with embossed figures, used in upholstery, for curtains, etc.
MOREEN n. a stout corded wool or cotton.
MORELSmorels n. Plural of morel.
Morels prop.n. Plural of Morel.
MOREL n. a kind of edible fungus.
MOREENSmoreens n. Plural of moreen.
MOREEN n. a stout corded wool or cotton.
MOREISHmoreish adj. (UK, informal, of food, drink, or other consumable) Causing one to want to have more.
more-ish adj. Alternative form of moreish q.v.
MOREISH adj. such that one wants more.
MORELLEmorelle n. Nightshade.
MORELLE n. a flowering plant, aka nightshade.
MORELLOmorello n. A variety of cultivated cherry, Prunus cerasus ’austera’, having a dark skin.
Morello prop.n. A surname.
MORELLO n. (Italian) a dark red cherry, much used in cooking.
MORENDOmorendo adv. (Music) Fading away in tone or tempo.
MORENDO n. (Italian) a gentle decrescendo at the end of a musical strain.
MORELLESMORELLE n. a flowering plant, aka nightshade.
MORELLOSmorellos n. Plural of morello.
Morellos prop.n. Plural of Morello.
MORELLO n. (Italian) a dark red cherry, much used in cooking.
MORENDOSMORENDO n. (Italian) a gentle decrescendo at the end of a musical strain.
MORENESSmoreness n. (Philosophy) The state or condition of being more.
MORENESS n. the state of being more.
MOREOVERmoreover adv. (Conjunctive) In addition to what has been said; furthermore; additionally.
MOREOVER adv. in addition.
MOREPORKmorepork n. (Chiefly New Zealand) The Tasmanian spotted owl (Ninox novaeseelandiae), a small brown owl indigenous…
morepork n. (Australia, New Zealand, colloquial, derogatory) Used as a mild term of abuse.
morepork interj. The call of a morepork.
MORESQUEMoresque adj. (Art, architecture) Moorish.
Moresque n. (Art, architecture) arabesque.
MORESQUE n. an ancient decorative style.
MOREPORKSmoreporks n. Plural of morepork.
MOREPORK n. an owl of Australia and New Zealand, also MOPEHAWK, MOPOKE.
MORESQUESMoresques n. Plural of Moresque.
MORESQUE n. an ancient decorative style.
MORENESSESMORENESS n. the state of being more.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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