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There are 12 words beginning with MINT

MINTmint n. A building or institution where money (originally, only coins) is produced under government licence.
mint n. (Informal) A vast sum of money; (by extension) a large amount of something.
mint n. (Figuratively) Any place regarded as a source of unlimited supply; the supply itself.
MINTAGEmintage n. The process of minting coins.
mintage n. The batch of coins minted at one time.
mintage n. Coins collectively; specie.
MINTAGESmintages n. Plural of mintage.
MINTAGE n. the coin, or other production, made in a mint.
MINTEDminted v. Simple past tense and past participle of mint.
minted adj. Made into coinage; coined.
minted adj. Flavoured with mint.
MINTERminter n. One who mints.
minter n. (Britain, slang) An item in mint condition (especially a motor car).
Minter prop.n. A surname.
MINTERSminters n. Plural of minter.
Minters prop.n. Plural of Minter.
MINTER n. a person who coins or stamps money.
MINTIERmintier adj. Comparative form of minty: more minty.
MINTY adj. having the flavour of the aromatic herb mint.
MINTIESTmintiest adj. Superlative form of minty: most minty.
MINTY adj. having the flavour of the aromatic herb mint.
MINTINGminting v. Present participle of mint.
minting n. The act by which money is minted.
MINT v. to process or stamp coins.
MINTLIKEmintlike adj. Resembling mint; minty.
MINTLIKE adj. like mint.
MINTSmints n. Plural of mint.
mints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mint.
MINT v. to process or stamp coins.
MINTYminty adj. Having a flavour or essence of mint.
MINTY adj. having the flavour of the aromatic herb mint.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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