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There are 11 words beginning with MIDI

MIDImidi adj. Having a hemline at mid-calf length.
midi n. A coat or skirt having such a hemline.
midi n. Synonym of Berliner (“newspaper format”).
MIDIBUSmidibus n. A single-decker bus, generally smaller than a traditional bus but larger than a minibus.
MIDIBUS n. a single-decker bus of medium size, typically with seats for between 20 and 30 passengers.
MIDIBUSESmidibuses n. Plural of midibus.
MIDIBUS n. a single-decker bus of medium size, typically with seats for between 20 and 30 passengers.
MIDIBUSSESMIDIBUS n. a single-decker bus of medium size, typically with seats for between 20 and 30 passengers.
MIDINETTEmidinette n. A female salesperson, a shopgirl, especially in Paris.
midinette n. A vacuous but fashionable young woman.
midinette n. A type of miniature climbing rose.
MIDINETTESmidinettes n. Plural of midinette.
MIDINETTE n. (French) a French, esp. a Parisian, shopgirl; esp. a milliner's assistant.
MIDIRONmidiron n. Alternative form of mid-iron.
mid-iron n. (Golf) An iron golf club with more lift than a driver.
MIDIRON n. a golf club.
MIDIRONSmidirons n. Plural of midiron.
mid-irons n. Plural of mid-iron.
MIDIRON n. a golf club.
MIDISmidis n. Plural of midi.
MIDIs n. Plural of MIDI.
MIDI n. a skirt or coat that extends to the middle of the calf.
MIDISKIRTmidiskirt n. A skirt with a hemline at mid-calf.
MIDISKIRT n. a skirt of medium length.
MIDISKIRTSmidiskirts n. Plural of midiskirt.
MIDISKIRT n. a skirt of medium length.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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