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There are 14 words beginning with MICH

MICHmich v. Alternative form of mitch.
Mich prop.n. Abbreviation of Michigan.
Mich prop.n. A diminutive of the female given name Michelle.
MICHAELMichael prop.n. (Countable) A male given name from Hebrew.
Michael prop.n. (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) An archangel associated with defending the faithful in the tribulation.
MICHAEL n. as in take the michael, to make fun of.
MICHAELSMichaels prop.n. A surname.
Michaels prop.n. Plural of Michael.
MICHAEL n. as in take the michael, to make fun of.
MICHEmiche v. Obsolete form of mitch.
MICHE v. to play truant, also MICH, MITCH, MOOCH, MOUCH.
MICHEDmiched v. Simple past tense and past participle of mich.
MICHE v. to play truant, also MICH, MITCH, MOOCH, MOUCH.
MICHERmicher n. One who goes sneaking about for dishonest or improper purposes; one who skulks, or keeps out of sight;…
micher n. A thief; especially a secret or petty thief.
micher n. One who feigns poverty.
MICHERSmichers n. Plural of micher.
MICHER n. a truant, also MOOCHER, MOUCHER.
MICHESMICHE v. to play truant, also MICH, MITCH, MOOCH, MOUCH.
MICHIGANMichigan prop.n. A state of the United States.
Michigan prop.n. Lake Michigan.
Michigan prop.n. University of Michigan.
MICHIGANSMichigans n. Plural of Michigan.
MICHIGAN n. (US) a card game, equivalent to newmarket.
MICHINGmiching adj. (US, dialectal, obsolete) hiding; skulking; cowardly.
MICHING n. the act of playing truant.
MICHINGSMICHING n. the act of playing truant.
MICHTMICHT n. (Scots) might, power.
MICHTSMICHT n. (Scots) might, power.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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