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There are 12 words beginning with MIAS

MIASMmiasm n. An unhealthy vapor or atmosphere; a miasma.
miasm n. (Homeopathy) A predisposition to a particular disease, which interferes with subsequent treatment of it.
MIASM n. a noxious vapor, also MIASMA.
MIASMAmiasma n. A noxious atmosphere or emanation once thought to originate from swamps and waste, and to cause disease.
miasma n. (Figurative) A noxious atmosphere or influence, an ominous environment.
MIASMA n. (Greek) a noxious vapor, also MIASM.
MIASMALmiasmal adj. Having a noxious atmosphere.
MIASMAL adj. of or like a miasma, also MIASMATIC, MIASMIC, MIASMOUS.
MIASMASmiasmas n. Plural of miasma.
MIASMA n. (Greek) a noxious vapor, also MIASM.
MIASMATAmiasmata n. Plural of miasma.
MIASMA n. (Greek) a noxious vapor, also MIASM.
MIASMATICmiasmatic adj. Reeking, oppressing, having the nature of miasma.
MIASMATIC adj. of or like a miasma, also MIASMAL, MIASMIC, MIASMOUS.
MIASMATICALmiasmatical adj. Alternative form of miasmatic.
MIASMATICAL adj. of or like a miasma, also MIASMATOUS.
MIASMATOUSmiasmatous adj. Containing or relating to miasma.
MIASMATOUS adj. of or like a miasma, also MIASMATICAL.
MIASMICmiasmic adj. Filled with miasma; containing noxious vapors.
miasmic adj. Composed of or resembling vapors.
MIASMIC adj. of or like a miasma, also MIASMAL, MIASMATIC, MIASMOUS.
MIASMICALLYmiasmically adv. In a miasmic manner.
MIASMIC adv. of or like a miasma, also MIASMAL, MIASMATIC, MIASMOUS.
MIASMOUSmiasmous adj. Miasmic.
MIASMOUS adj. of or like a miasma, also MIASMAL, MIASMATIC, MIASMIC.
MIASMSmiasms n. Plural of miasm.
MIASM n. a noxious vapor, also MIASMA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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