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There are 12 words beginning with MERL

MERLmerl n. Alternative form of merle (blackbird).
MERL n. a blackbird, also MERLE.
MERLEmerle n. The Eurasian blackbird, Turdus merula.
merle n. Any blackbird.
merle n. A type of mottled colouration on dogs.
MERLESmerles n. Plural of merle.
MERLE n. a blackbird, also MERL.
MERLINmerlin n. A small falcon, Falco columbarius, that breeds in northern North America, Europe, and Asia.
merlin n. (Biochemistry) A cytoskeletal protein active in the suppression of tumors.
Merlin prop.n. A wizard in the Arthurian legend.
MERLINGmerling n. The fish Merlangius merlangus, endemic to the North Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, western Baltic Sea and Black Sea.
MERLING n. (obsolete) a fish, the whiting.
MERLINGSmerlings n. Plural of merling.
MERLING n. (obsolete) a fish, the whiting.
MERLINSmerlins n. Plural of merlin.
MERLIN n. a species of small falcon.
MERLONmerlon n. (Architecture, military, historical) Any of the upright projections between the embrasures of a battlement…
merlon n. Alternative spelling of merlin (“a small falcon, Falco columbarius”).
MERLON n. (French) the part of a parapet between embrasures.
MERLONSmerlons n. Plural of merlon.
MERLON n. (French) the part of a parapet between embrasures.
MERLOTmerlot n. Alternative letter-case form of Merlot.
Merlot n. A dark-blue variety of wine grape.
Merlot n. A dry red wine of a certain French type, made from Merlot grapes.
MERLOTSmerlots n. Plural of merlot.
Merlots n. Plural of Merlot.
MERLOT n. (French) a red dry wine.
MERLSmerls n. Plural of merl.
MERL n. a blackbird, also MERLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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