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There are 14 words beginning with MEIO

MEIOCYTEmeiocyte n. (Biology) A kind of cell that differentiates into a gamete through the process of meiosis.
MEIOCYTE n. a cell which divides by meiosis.
MEIOCYTESmeiocytes n. Plural of meiocyte.
MEIOCYTE n. a cell which divides by meiosis.
MEIOFAUNAmeiofauna n. (Ecology) A type of interstitial fauna, such as psammon, found in rock fissures, between the grains…
MEIOFAUNA n. animals less than 1 mm and larger than 0.1 mm across.
MEIOFAUNAEMEIOFAUNA n. animals less than 1 mm and larger than 0.1 mm across.
MEIOFAUNALmeiofaunal adj. Pertaining to, or characteristic of, a meiofauna.
MEIOFAUNAL adj. relating to the meiofauna.
MEIOFAUNASmeiofaunas n. Plural of meiofauna.
MEIOFAUNA n. animals less than 1 mm and larger than 0.1 mm across.
MEIONITEmeionite n. (Mineralogy) A silicate mineral belonging to the scapolite group.
MEIONITE n. one of a group of rare minerals, a scapolite with less sodium and silica than marialite.
MEIONITESmeionites n. Plural of meionite.
MEIONITE n. one of a group of rare minerals, a scapolite with less sodium and silica than marialite.
MEIOSESmeioses n. Plural of meiosis.
MEIOSIS n. (Greek) understatement for rhetorical effect.
MEIOSISmeiosis n. (Countable, rhetoric) A figure of speech whereby something is made to seem smaller or less important…
meiosis n. (Usually uncountable, cytology) Cell division of a diploid cell into four haploid cells, which develop…
MEIOSIS n. (Greek) understatement for rhetorical effect.
MEIOSPOREmeiospore n. A haploid spore produced by meiosis.
MEIOSPORE n. a haploid spore.
MEIOSPORESmeiospores n. Plural of meiospore.
MEIOSPORE n. a haploid spore.
MEIOTICmeiotic adj. Of or pertaining to meiosis.
MEIOTIC adj. exhibiting meiosis, deliberate understatement.
MEIOTICALLYmeiotically adv. Pertaining to, or during, meiosis.
MEIOTIC adv. exhibiting meiosis, deliberate understatement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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