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There are 19 words beginning with MARQ

MARQUEmarque n. A license to pass the limits of a jurisdiction, or boundary of a country, for the purpose of making…
marque n. A brand or make of a manufactured product, especially of a motor car (in contradistinction to a model).
marque n. A ship commissioned for making captures.
MARQUEEmarquee n. (Britain, Australia, New Zealand) A large tent with open sides, used for outdoors entertainment.
marquee n. (US) A projecting canopy over an entrance, especially one with a sign that displays the name of the…
marquee n. (US, by generalization) Lights that turn on and off in sequence, or scrolling text, as these are common…
MARQUEESmarquees n. Plural of marquee.
MARQUEE n. a large tent with open sides for outdoor entertainment.
MARQUESmarques n. Plural of marque.
MARQUE n. (French) a make or brand of something, esp. a motor vehicle.
MARQUESSmarquess n. A title of nobility for a man ranking beneath a duke and above an earl.
marquess n. (Obsolete) A marchioness.
MARQUESS n. a British or Irish hereditary nobleman of the second rank of the peerage, below a duke and above an earl, also MARQUIS.
MARQUESSATEmarquessate n. The territory of a marquess, margrave or person of comparable rank.
MARQUESSATE n. the rank of marquess.
MARQUESSATESmarquessates n. Plural of marquessate.
MARQUESSATE n. the rank of marquess.
MARQUESSESmarquesses n. Plural of marquess.
MARQUESS n. a British or Irish hereditary nobleman of the second rank of the peerage, below a duke and above an earl, also MARQUIS.
MARQUETERIEmarqueterie n. Alternative form of marquetry.
MARQUETERIE n. (French) furniture inlaid with multicoloured wood, ivory, or metal, also MARQUETRY.
MARQUETERIESmarqueteries n. Plural of marquetery.
marqueteries n. Plural of marqueterie.
MARQUETERIE n. (French) furniture inlaid with multicoloured wood, ivory, or metal, also MARQUETRY.
MARQUETRIESmarquetries n. Plural of marquetry.
MARQUETRY n. furniture inlaid with multicoloured wood, ivory, or metal, also MARQUETERIE.
MARQUETRYmarquetry n. (Uncountable, woodworking) A decorative technique in which veneers of wood, ivory, metal etc. are inlaid…
marquetry n. (Countable) An example of this work.
MARQUETRY n. furniture inlaid with multicoloured wood, ivory, or metal, also MARQUETERIE.
MARQUISmarquis n. A nobleman in England, France, and Germany, of a rank next below that of duke, but above a count. Originally…
marquis n. Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the Asian genus Bassarona (or Euthalia).
Marquis prop.n. A surname from French.
MARQUISATEmarquisate n. The territory held by a marquis, margrave or marchioness.
marquisate n. The state or rank of a marquis.
MARQUISATE n. the rank of a marquis.
MARQUISATESmarquisates n. Plural of marquisate.
MARQUISATE n. the rank of a marquis.
MARQUISEmarquise n. (Chiefly historical) A marchioness, especially one who is French.
marquise n. A marquee.
marquise n. (Jewelry) An oval cut gemstone with pointed ends.
MARQUISESmarquises n. Plural of marquis.
marquises n. Plural of marquise.
MARQUIS n. a British or Irish hereditary nobleman of the second rank of the peerage, below a duke and above an earl, also MARQUESS.
MARQUISETTEmarquisette n. A sheer cotton fabric used for mosquito nets and curtains.
MARQUISETTE n. a sheer fabric of cotton, rayon, silk, or nylon.
MARQUISETTESmarquisettes n. Plural of marquisette.
MARQUISETTE n. a sheer fabric of cotton, rayon, silk, or nylon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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