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There are 13 nine-letter words beginning with MART

MARTAGONSmartagons n. Plural of martagon.
MARTAGON n. a kind of lily.
MARTELLEDmartelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of martel.
MARTEL v. (Spenser) to make a blow with this.
MARTELLOSmartellos n. Plural of martello.
Martellos n. Plural of Martello.
MARTELLO n. (Italian) a circular fort for coastal defence.
MARTIALLYmartially adv. In a martial manner.
MARTIAL adv. pertaining to war.
MARTINETSmartinets n. Plural of martinet.
MARTINET n. (French) a strict disciplinarian.
MARTINGALmartingal n. Alternative form of martingale (piece of harness for a horse).
MARTINGAL n. a strap from the reins to the girth of a horse preventing it from carrying its head too high, also MARTINGALE.
MARTYRDOMmartyrdom n. The condition of a martyr; the death of a martyr; the suffering of death on account of adherence to…
martyrdom n. Extreme suffering, affliction; torment; torture, especially without reason.
MARTYRDOM n. the state of being a martyr.
MARTYRIESmartyries n. Plural of martyry.
MARTYRY n. a shrine erected in honour of a martyred person, also MARTYRIUM.
MARTYRINGmartyring v. Present participle of martyr.
MARTYR v. to put someone to death for adhering to a belief.
MARTYRISEmartyrise v. Alternative form of martyrize.
MARTYRISE v. to cause to suffer martyrdom, also MARTYRIZE.
MARTYRISHmartyrish adj. Having characteristics of a martyr.
MARTYRISH adj. somewhat like a martyr.
MARTYRIUMmartyrium n. A tomb or other edifice erected in homage to a martyr.
martyrium n. (Rhetoric) Confirming something by referring to one’s own experience.
MARTYRIUM n. (Latin) a shrine erected in honour of a martyred person, also MARTYRY.
MARTYRIZEmartyrize v. (Transitive) To make a martyr of (someone).
MARTYRIZE v. to offer as a sacrifice; to cause to suffer martyrdom, also MARTYRISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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