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There are 15 eight-letter words beginning with MELA

MELAENASmelaenas n. Plural of melaena.
MELAENA n. a condition marked by black tarry stool, also MELENA.
MELAMDIMmelamdim n. Plural of melamed.
MELAMED n. (Hebrew) a teacher in a Jewish school.
MELAMINEmelamine n. (Chemistry) A strong aromatic heterocyclic base, triaminotriazine, used in combination with formaldehyde…
MELAMINE n. a colourless crystalline compound used in making synthetic resins.
MELANGESmelanges n. Plural of melange.
mélanges n. Plural of mélange.
MELANGE n. (French) a mixture often of incongruous elements.
MELANIANmelanian n. (Malacology, obsolete) One of a family of freshwater pectinibranchiate mollusks with a turret-shaped…
MELANIAN n. one of a family of freshwater mollusks, having a turret-shaped shell.
MELANICSmelanics n. Plural of melanic.
MELANIC n. one who is affected with melanism, also MELANIST.
MELANINSmelanins n. Plural of melanin.
MELANIN n. any of various dark brown or black pigments present in the hair, skin, eyes, etc.
MELANISEmelanise v. Alternative form of melanize.
MELANISE v. to make dark, also MELANIZE.
MELANISMmelanism n. Congenital excess of melanin pigmentation in the skin, hair, feathers and/or eyes.
MELANISM n. abnormally dark pigmentation of the skin.
MELANISTmelanist n. An individual who exhibits melanism.
MELANIST n. one who is affected with melanism, also MELANIC.
MELANITEmelanite n. (Mineralogy) A black variety of andradite.
MELANITE n. a black variety of garnet.
MELANIZEmelanize v. (Transitive) To convert into melanin, or to deposit melanin in.
MELANIZE v. to make dark, also MELANISE.
MELANOIDmelanoid adj. Relating to, or resembling, melanin.
melanoid adj. Relating to, or afflicted with, melanosis.
melanoid n. Synonym of melanoidin.
MELANOMAmelanoma n. (Oncology, pathology) A dark-pigmented, usually malignant tumor arising from a melanocyte and occurring…
MELANOMA n. a darkly pigmented tumor.
MELANOUSmelanous adj. Having a dark complexion.
MELANOUS adj. dark-complexioned, also MELANOTIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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