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There are 13 eight-letter words beginning with MARI

MARIACHImariachi adj. Of or pertaining to a traditional form of Mexican music, either sung or purely instrumental.
mariachi adj. Of or pertaining to a band playing such music, or to the singers of such songs.
mariachi n. A traditional form of Mexican music, either sung or purely instrumental.
MARIGOLDmarigold n. Any of the Old World plants, of the genus Calendula, with orange, yellow or reddish flowers.
marigold n. Any of the New World plants, of the genus Tagetes, with orange, yellow or reddish flowers.
marigold n. (UK, slang, obsolete) A million pounds sterling.
MARIGRAMmarigram n. (Oceanography) A printed record of tidal levels.
MARIGRAM n. a record of tide levels.
MARIMBASmarimbas n. Plural of marimba.
MARIMBA n. a percussion instrument resembling a xylophone.
MARINADEmarinade n. A seasoned, often acidic liquid mixture in which food is marinated, or soaked, usually to flavor and…
marinade v. To marinate.
MARINADE v. to soak in seasoned liquid before cooking, also MARINATE.
MARINARAmarinara adj. Prepared with tomatoes, or in a tomato sauce.
marinara adj. (Australia) Of pasta: In a seafood sauce. Of pizza: With seafood topping.
marinara n. A marinara sauce.
MARINATEmarinate v. (Ergative) To allow a sauce or flavoring mixture to absorb into something; to steep or soak something…
marinate v. (Intransitive) Of ideas or feelings, to mentally develop over time.
MARINATE v. to soak in seasoned liquid before cooking, also MARINADE.
MARINERAmarinera n. A dance from the coastal regions of Peru, using handkerchiefs as props in a stylized reenactment of a courtship.
MARINERA n. (Spanish) a Peruvian folk-dance.
MARINERSmariners n. Plural of mariner.
Mariners n. Plural of Mariner.
Mariners prop.n. (Baseball) The team Seattle Mariners.
MARIPOSAmariposa n. A mariposa lily (Calochortus).
Mariposa prop.n. A former municipality of Ontario, Canada, now part of the city of Kawartha Lakes.
Mariposa prop.n. A rural municipality of Saskatchewan, Canada.
MARISHESmarishes n. Plural of marish.
MARISH n. a tract of low, wet land, also MARSH.
MARITAGEmaritage n. The right of the lord of the fee to dispose of the heiress, later also of the male heir, in marriage.
maritage n. The property bought by the couple upon their marriage under the feudal customs.
maritage n. The fine paid by the vassal to the feudal lord for failing to follow his maritage decision.
MARITIMEmaritime adj. Relating to or connected with the sea or its uses (As navigation, commerce, etc.).
maritime adj. Bordering on the sea; living near the seacoast; coastal.
maritime adj. (Zoology) Inhabiting the seashore; living coastwise; littoral. (distinguished from marine)

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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