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List of 6-letter words beginning with

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There are 5 six-letter words beginning with MUSC

MUSCAEmuscae n. Plural of musca.
Muscae prop.n. (Astronomy) genitive of Musca used when naming stars, such as α Muscae.
MUSCA n. (Latin) a genus of dipterous insects, including the common housefly.
MUSCATmuscat n. A white grape variety; used as table grapes and for making raisins and sweet wine.
muscat n. The muscatel wine made from these grapes.
muscat n. The vine bearing this fruit.
MUSCIDmuscid adj. Pertaining to or related to the Muscidae family of insects.
muscid n. Any fly of the family Muscidae of insects.
MUSCID n. a member of the housefly family.
MUSCLEmuscle n. (Uncountable) A contractile form of tissue which animals use to effect movement.
muscle n. (Countable) An organ composed of muscle tissue.
muscle n. (Uncountable, usually in the plural) A well-developed physique, in which the muscles are enlarged from exercise.
MUSCLYmuscly adj. Thewy, muscled.
muscly adj. (Figuratively) Strong, powerful.
MUSCLY adj. of a muscular build, also MUSCLEY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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