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There are 20 fifteen-letter words beginning with MONO

MONOCHLAMYDEOUSmonochlamydeous adj. (Botany) Having a single floral envelope, that is, a calyx without a corolla, or, possibly, in rare…
MONOCHLAMYDEOUS adj. having a one-whorled perianth.
MONOCHROMATISMSMONOCHROMATISM n. complete color blindness in which all colors appear as shades of gray.
MONOCRYSTALLINEmonocrystalline adj. Having a single crystalline form.
MONOCRYSTALLINE adj. of or like a monocrystal.
MONOGRAPHICALLYmonographically adv. In a monographic manner; in the manner of a scholarly book or a treatise on a single subject or group of subjects.
MONOGRAPHICAL adv. of or like a monograph, also MONOGRAPHIC.
MONOLINGUALISMSmonolingualisms n. Plural of monolingualism.
MONOLINGUALISM n. the state of being monolingual, speaking one language only.
MONOMOLECULARLYmonomolecularly adv. In monomolecular terms.
MONOMOLECULAR adv. being only one molecule thick.
MONONUCLEOTIDESmononucleotides n. Plural of mononucleotide.
MONONUCLEOTIDE n. a nucleotide that is derived from one molecule each of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and a phosphoric acid.
MONOPHTHONGISEDmonophthongised v. Simple past tense and past participle of monophthongise.
MONOPHTHONGISE v. to pronounce as a monophthong, also MONOPHTHONGIZE.
MONOPHTHONGISESmonophthongises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of monophthongise.
MONOPHTHONGISE v. to pronounce as a monophthong, also MONOPHTHONGIZE.
MONOPHTHONGIZEDmonophthongized v. Simple past tense and past participle of monophthongize.
MONOPHTHONGIZE v. to pronounce as a monophthong, also MONOPHTHONGISE.
MONOPHTHONGIZESmonophthongizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of monophthongize.
MONOPHTHONGIZE v. to pronounce as a monophthong, also MONOPHTHONGISE.
MONOPOLIZATIONSmonopolizations n. Plural of monopolization.
MONOPOLIZATION n. the act of monopolizing, also MONOPOLISATION.
MONOPROPELLANTSmonopropellants n. Plural of monopropellant.
MONOPROPELLANT n. a rocket propellant containing both the fuel and the oxidizer in a single substance.
MONOSACCHARIDESmonosaccharides n. Plural of monosaccharide.
MONOSACCHARIDE n. a simple sugar e.g. glucose or fructose.
MONOSPECIFICITYmonospecificity n. The quality of being monospecific.
MONOSPECIFICITY n. the state of being monospecific.
MONOSYLLABICITYmonosyllabicity n. The state or characteristic of being monosyllabic.
MONOSYLLABICITY n. the state of being monosyllabic, also MONOSYLLABISM.
MONOSYMMETRICALmonosymmetrical adj. (Crystallography) monosymmetric; monoclinic.
monosymmetrical adj. (Botany) Of flowers: capable of being bisected into similar halves in only one plane.
MONOSYMMETRICAL adj. having only one plane of symmetry, also MONOSYMMETRIC.
MONOUNSATURATEDmonounsaturated adj. (Chemistry, of an organic compound) having a single double or triple bond.
MONOUNSATURATED adj. containing one double or triple bond per molecule.
MONOUNSATURATESmonounsaturates n. Plural of monounsaturate.
mono-unsaturates n. Alternative spelling of monounsaturates.
mono-unsaturates n. Plural of mono-unsaturate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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