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There are 11 eleven-letter words beginning with MALA

MALACOPHILYmalacophily n. (Botany) pollination by snails.
MALACOPHILY n. pollination by snails.
MALADAPTIVEmaladaptive adj. (Psychology, chiefly of behaviour) Showing inadequate or counterproductive mental and behavioral adaptation…
maladaptive adj. (Evolution, of anatomy, physiology, or behavior) Showing inadequate or counterproductive evolutionary…
MALADAPTIVE adj. marked by poor or inadequate adaptation.
MALADJUSTEDmaladjusted v. Simple past tense and past participle of maladjust.
maladjusted adj. Adjusted badly or wrongly.
maladjusted adj. Badly adjusted to the demands and stresses of daily living; unable to cope.
MALADROITLYmaladroitly adv. In a maladroit manner.
MALADROIT adv. (French) clumsy, unskilful.
MALAGUETTASMALAGUETTA n. grains of Paradise, aka malaguetta pepper.
MALAPROPIANmalapropian adj. Malapropic.
MALAPROPIAN adj. relating to malapropism.
MALAPROPISMmalapropism n. (Uncountable) The blundering use of an absurdly inappropriate word or expression in place of a similar-sounding one.
malapropism n. (Countable) An instance of this; malaprop.
MALAPROPISM n. a humorous misuse of a word, also MALAPROP.
MALAPROPISTmalapropist n. One who utters malapropisms.
MALAPROPIST n. one who commits malapropisms.
MALARIOLOGYmalariology n. The scientific study of malaria.
MALARIOLOGY n. the study of malaria.
MALAXATIONSmalaxations n. Plural of malaxation.
MALAXATION n. a kneading movement in massage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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