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There are 15 eight-letter words beginning with MOS

MOSASAURmosasaur n. A large extinct marine reptile in the family Mosasauridae, dominant marine predator of the Cretaceous…
MOSASAUR n. a gigantic Cretaceous fossil pythonomorph reptile, also MOSASAURUS.
MOSCATOSMOSCATO n. a sweet dessert wine.
MOSCHATEMOSCHATE adj. having a musky odour.
MOSELLESMoselles n. Plural of Moselle.
MOSELLE n. a German white wine from the Moselle valley.
MOSEYINGmoseying v. Present participle of mosey.
MOSEY v. to saunter.
MOSHAVIMmoshavim n. Plural of moshav.
MOSHAV n. (Hebrew) a cooperative settlement of small farms in Israel.
MOSHINGSMOSHING n. a style of energetic sinuous dancing.
MOSLINGSmoslings n. Thin shreds of leather shaved off while dressing skins.
MOSLINGS n. thin shavings taken off by the currier in dressing skins.
MOSQUITOmosquito n. A small flying insect of the family Culicidae, the females of which bite humans and animals and suck…
mosquito v. To fly close to the ground, seemingly without a course.
Mosquito prop.n. A settlement in Newfoundland and Labrador.
MOSSBACKmossback n. (Informal) Synonym of mossyback (“a person with old-fashioned views; hence, one who is very conservative…
mossback n. (Informal, historical) A person who stayed hidden to evade conscription (especially by the Confederate…
mossback n. Senses relating to animals.
MOSSIESTmossiest adj. Superlative form of mossy: most mossy.
MOSSY adj. covered with moss.
MOSSLANDmossland n. Land abounding in peat bogs.
MOSSLAND n. wet land.
MOSSLIKEmosslike adj. Resembling moss or some aspect of it.
MOSSLIKE adj. like moss.
MOSTESTSMOSTEST n. (facetious) the most.
MOSTWHATmostwhat adv. (Obsolete) mostly; for the most part.
MOSTWHAT adv. (Spenser) for the most part.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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