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There are 11 seven-letter words beginning with MAH

MAHANTSmahants n. Plural of mahant.
MAHANT n. (Hindi) a chief Hindu priest.
MAHATMAmahatma n. An epithet granted in India and Tibet to people thought to have great knowledge and love of humanity.
mahatma n. Such a person.
MAHATMA n. (Sanskrit) a religious adept, a sage.
MAHEWUSMAHEWU n. in South Africa, fermented liquid mealie-meal porridge, used as a stimulant.
MAHJONGmahjong n. A game (originally Chinese) for four players, using a collection of tiles divided into five or six suits.
mahjong n. A solitaire game using the same tiles, where the player wins by removing pairs of matching exposed tiles…
mah-jong n. Alternative spelling of mahjong.
MAHMALSmahmals n. Plural of mahmal.
MAHMAL n. (Arabic) the empty litter sent to Mecca in the hadj.
MAHONIAmahonia n. Any of the genus Mahonia (now often included in Berberis) of evergreen shrubs.
Mahonia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Berberidaceae – certain barberries, now often included in Berberis.
MAHONIA n. a shrub of the barberry family, with yellow flowers and prickly pinnate leaves.
MAHOUTSmahouts n. Plural of mahout.
MAHOUT n. (Hindi) the keeper and driver of an elephant.
MAHSEERmahseer n. An endangered large-scaled carp of the family Cyprinidae, found in rivers and lakes of India, Malaysia…
MAHSEER n. (Hindi) a large freshwater fish, also MAHSIR.
MAHSIRSMAHSIR n. (Hindi) a large freshwater fish, also MAHSEER.
MAHUANGmahuang n. Ephedra, when used in traditional Chinese medicine.
ma␣huang n. Any of various plants of the Ephedra genus, especially Ephedra sinica, used in traditional Chinese medicine.
MAHUANG n. (Chinese) an Asian plant of the Ephedra genus.
MAHZORSmahzors n. Plural of mahzor.
MAHZOR n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer book, also MACHZOR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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