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There are 19 six-letter words beginning with MOD

MODALSmodals n. Plural of modal.
MODAL n. a modal auxiliary.
MODDEDmodded v. Simple past tense and past participle of mod.
MOD v. to modify a machine or piece of software.
MODDERmodder n. (Informal) One who modifies a mass-manufactured object or software.
MODDER n. one who modifies a machine or piece of software.
MODELSmodels n. Plural of model.
models v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of model.
MODEL v. to form a plan or design.
MODEMSmodems n. Plural of modem.
modems v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of modem.
MODEM v. to transmit by electronic device.
MODENAmodena n. A crimson colour.
Modena prop.n. A province of Emilia-Romagna, Italy.
Modena prop.n. The capital city of Modena, Emilia-Romagna, Italy.
MODERNmodern adj. Pertaining to a current or recent time and style; not ancient.
modern adj. (History) Pertaining to the modern period (c.1800 to contemporary times), particularly in academic historiography.
modern n. Someone who lives in modern times.
MODERSmoders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of moder.
Moders prop.n. Plural of Moder.
MODER n. (German) a layer of humus intermediate between mor and mull.
MODESTmodest adj. Not bragging or boasting about oneself or one’s achievements; unpretentious, humble.
modest adj. Small, moderate in size.
modest adj. Pure and delicate from a sense of propriety.
MODGEDMODGE v. (dialect) to do shoddy work.
MODGESMODGE v. (dialect) to do shoddy work.
MODICAmodica n. (Rare) plural of modicum.
MODICUM n. (Latin) a small amount.
MODIFYmodify v. (Transitive) To change part of.
modify v. (Intransitive) To be or become modified.
modify v. (Transitive) To set bounds to; to moderate.
MODISHmodish adj. Conforming with fashion or style.
modish adj. In the current mode.
MODISH adj. fashionable; stylish.
MODISTmodist n. (Archaic) A follower of fashion.
modist n. (Grammar) A supporter of modism.
MODIST n. a follower of fashion.
MODIUSmodius n. (Historical) A Roman dry measure of about a peck or 9 litres.
modius n. (Historical) Various medieval units of dry and liquid volume.
modius n. (Historical) A bushel-shaped headdress worn by certain deities in classical art.
MODULEmodule n. A self-contained component of a system, often interchangeable, which has a well-defined interface to…
module n. (Architecture) A standard unit of measure used for determining the proportions of a building.
module n. (Programming) A section of a program; a subroutine or group of subroutines.
MODULImoduli n. Plural of modulus.
MODULUS n. (Latin) a constant multiplier.
MODULOmodulo prep. (Mathematics) Given a specified modulus of.
modulo prep. (Technical) Except for differences accounted for by.
modulo prep. (The addition of quotations indicative of this usage is being sought:) (extended use) With due allowance…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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