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There are 20 six-letter words beginning with MAI

MAIDANmaidan n. (Chiefly South Asia) A marketplace or other open space in or by a city or town; an esplanade.
maidan n. Independence Square, the main city square in Kiev, Ukraine.
maidan n. The Orange Revolution protests that took place in Kiev’s Maidan in 2004–05; the Euromaidan protests…
MAIDEDMAID v. to work as a maidservant.
MAIDENmaiden n. (Now chiefly literary) A girl or an unmarried young woman.
maiden n. A female virgin.
maiden n. (Obsolete, dialectal) A man with no experience of sex, especially because of deliberate abstention.
MAIGREmaigre adj. (Cooking) Made without meat (and thus permitted to be eaten on a fast day).
maigre adj. Belonging to a fast day or fast.
maigre n. A kind of fish; the meagre.
MAIHEMmaihem n. (Obsolete, used chiefly before 1900) Alternative form of mayhem, in the sense of maiming or causing bodily harm.
MAIHEM n. maiming, malicious damage, also MAYHEM.
MAIKOSmaikos n. Plural of maiko.
MAIKO n. (Japanese) an apprentice geisha.
MAILEDmailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of mail.
mailed adj. Armoured in, protected by, or made of mail.
mailed adj. (Rare) Resembling the scales of armor.
MAILERmailer n. One who sends mail.
mailer n. A computer program that sends electronic mail.
mailer n. A packet or container designed for postal use.
MAILESmailes n. Plural of maile.
MAILE n. (Hawaiian) a kind of flowering vine.
MAILLSMAILL n. a payment.
MAIMEDmaimed v. Simple past tense and past participle of maim.
MAIM v. to injure or mutilate.
MAIMERmaimer n. Agent noun of maim; one who maims.
MAIMER n. one who maims.
MAINEDmained v. Simple past tense and past participle of main.
MAIN v. to maim or cripple.
MAINERmainer n. (US slang) A needle for (illicit) drug administration.
Mainer n. A native or resident of the state of Maine in the United States of America.
Mainer prop.n. A surname transferred from the given name.
MAINLYmainly adv. Chiefly; for the most part.
mainly adv. (Obsolete) Forcefully, vigorously.
mainly adv. (Obsolete) Of the production of a sound: loudly, powerfully.
MAINORmainor n. (Law, UK, obsolete) The act or fact, especially of theft.
mainor n. (Law, UK, obsolete) A stolen article found on the person of the thief.
Mainor prop.n. A surname.
MAIRESMaires prop.n. Plural of Maire.
MAIRE n. (French) a mayor.
MAISESMAISE n. a measure of five hundreds of herring, also MEASE.
MAISTSMAIST n. (Scots) the most part.
MAIZESmaizes n. Plural of maize.
Maizes prop.n. Plural of Maize.
MAIZE n. an American cereal grass.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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