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There are 12 five-letter words beginning with MEN

MENADmenad n. Alternative form of maenad.
MENAD n. (Greek) a female follower of Bacchus, also MAENAD.
MENDSmends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mend.
mends n. Plural of mend.
mends n. Obsolete form of amends.
MENEDMENE v. (Scots) to lament, moan, also MEANE, MEIN.
MENESmenes n. Plural of mene.
MENE v. (Scots) to lament, moan, also MEANE, MEIN.
MENGEMENGE v. (archaic) to mix; to unite, couple, also MENG, MING.
MENGSmengs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of meng.
Mengs prop.n. Plural of Meng.
MENG v. (archaic) to mix; to unite, couple, also MENGE, MING.
MENSAmensa n. In planetary geology, a large mesa-like area of raised land.
mensa n. The upper surface of an altar.
Mensa prop.n. Mensa International, an organization for people with very high IQs.
MENSEmense n. Property, owndom; possessions.
mense n. (UK, dialect) manliness; dignity; comeliness; civility.
mense v. To adorn, bring honour to; grace.
MENSHMENSH v. (colloquial) to mention.
MENTAmenta n. Plural of mentum.
MENTUM n. (Latin) the chin.
MENTOmento n. A folk music genre of Jamaica, featuring acoustic instruments and voices.
mento n. An individual mento song.
Mento prop.n. A surname from Italian.
MENUSmenus n. Plural of menu.
MENU n. (French) a list of dishes that may be ordered in a restaurant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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